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SHITPOSTING GENERAL Anonymous 11/22/2022 (Tue) 12:30:25 No. 3197
QTDDTAT but better

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> /jog/ - joggers
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Anyone have any more info on how to obtain grenades like this in Europe?
>>4653 from ukraine?
>>4653 >black market Beware. As opposed to what people think it's not easy at all. You need connections or you'll be ripped off or worse end in an FBI van. 55€ is a total rip btw off for something that should be 10$ at best. You really think all these sand*****s throwing grenades like there's no tomorrow in Sweden pay 55€ for a a bang? lol If you want grenades, build them yourself. It's not that hard, biggest problem is the primer, Most easy to make explosives for primers have no long shelf life so you can't store them really but frankly you shouldn't store them anyways.
>>4653 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WbNIWJmdsI&t=16m10s this gypsy said hookers sell arms besides drugs
>>4657 Shitskins will sell weapons to each other but not to you tho that's not even a racial thing. There's just no trust between them and whites except in some very special cases which certainly don't apply to random anons. There's even this case of that sand***** in I believe Austria who killed some people. His AK and ammo was really old shit barely functioning. That's because people who sell weapons don't like selling them to terrorists or potential ones. So if some hooker, drug dealer or else offers you something chances are he's an informer or will rip you off.
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>>4654 >from ukraine? How would you get black market goodies from Ukraine? Those paraFALs look sweet.
I cannot see nor download pictures from the 4plebs archive. Is it just me or is the archive crumbling?
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> blocked from yet another telegram channel without cussing
>>4679 Did you warn users to stop usign doxagram and come visit /cob/ before being banned, right?
>>4681 it was totally unrelated to cob so no
>>4683 Well, that's too bad. Think about it next time. We should really meme people back to imageboards, away from constantly traced and monitored social media.
>>4684 >meme people back to imageboards, away from constantly traced and monitored social media Discarding the fed honeypot that is (((whatsapp))) or (((X))) right away here I will say that Telegram is reasonably safe if you want information fast and you are basically a lurker. If you actually post doing so on 4cuck isn't that much safer than on telegram. In fact the Russian FSB has designed Telegram in a way that makes it hard to penetrate for Western alphabet boys. Most people are caught there by social engineering. That said, it's always a retarded idea to use an account connected to your phone/address for bad goy things. I don't even know why some deviant would do this in the first place, there's just no benefit whatsoever.
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>>4687 > it's always a retarded idea to use an account connected to your phone/address for bad goy things Dozens of people have been arrested (including potential disciples) because they posted on telegram. There is no vetting to enter a telegram channel,anyone can subscribe and monitor discussions; posts history is tied to an account. It's really easy to monitor people this way. Good luck building a post history and finding someone's identity starting from anonymous posts like on here. There is a reason they shut down all most based imageboards, you know.
>>4688 Many such cases we can read on the White Genocide general thread. Fresh off the presses https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/09/artem-vasilyev-guns-explosive-chemicals-found-adelaide-alleged-terror-plot-cherry-gardens-ntwnfb >Artem Vasilyev, 27, of Findon, in Adelaide’s western suburbs, has pleaded not guilty to one count of committing other acts done in preparation for, or planning, a terrorist act. >Extremist material, a 3D-printed gun and chemicals used in explosive and incendiary devices were found in the home >A PC was logged into the chat application Telegram, for an account named Panzer and Grettel. Police analysis showed the account had sent 108 pdf files to an account named Vlad. These included handbooks on chemicals, explosives, warfare and white ethnic societies.
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Check out my 2d printed semi automatic assault bow.
And now all together: Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!!!!!!!!!
>>4735 kek https://files.catbox.moe/0nf1xe.mp4 At first they went after Balliet because he actually tried to kill the jews while listening to songs. Then they went after Mr Bond for making the songs. Now they go after the normies who intone songs for fun. Saint Tarrant was so right. They are very much overextending their hand. Question is: when will normies learn to hate? I mean, it's not like we didn't try to warn them.
>>4736 >Now they go after the normies who intone songs for fun. yeah that's the really the ironic part of it. None of these richfag ***** are even remotely right-wing. Typical party people and I guess you'd find a lot of kosher activities in their lives yet that's not enough for ZOG. (((They))) are caught in a purity spiral that will be their undoing. Saint Tarrant's almost prophetic here.
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Someone dropped this in a thread on 4cuck https://whitethread.xyz/ Legit honeypot or what?
>>4747 >Legit honeypot or what? well, either that or retarded or a burger with ***** it attitude (same as retarded) From the board: >this is a simple textboard for us to anonymously discuss politics and more. To get started, write a post and then upload a timestamped photo of your hand and username: smh
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Extremely related to this thread Joe Biden shat himself on national TV on D-Day . https://archive.is/5vP8D 100 years old veterans are more lucid than this kike operated puppet. From now on june 6th should be remembered as Diarrhea Day. It's disgusting but I am laughing so hard!
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Any canadians here? Is it really that bad over there with the pajeet mass immigration?
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>>4768 I am not canadian but I noticed the big boost in antiindian posting. I am sure India and Pakistan are sending all their eccess population into dumping grounds such as Canada, UK and Australia (that will welcome them with opens arms). Someone's gotta replace all those whites who maxxvaxxed. Anglo countries are a nightmare just as France.
Sweden democrat party member sings in German 'foreigners out' and has to step down just after being elected during the EU election. What is this, a joke? I knew SD are eventually a cuckparty but they seemed somewhat based. Has actually anything changed in Swedistan after SD become part of the government? https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/swedish-politician-steps-down-over-racist-chant-/3246729
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>>4776 We could have infinite debates about this, but the ultimate undeniable truth is extremely simple: THERE IS NO PEACEFUL POLITICAL SOLUTION TO WHITE GENOCIDE That is all.
>>4781 >THERE IS NO PEACEFUL POLITICAL SOLUTION TO WHITE GENOCIDE lol that much is clear. the point is that this *****cuck party doesn't even stand up to the lefts cultural agenda. It's a song get over it they could've shrugged it off. More so as a controlled opposition party they need to give at least the appearance of being opposition. Maybe any Swede anon can enlighten us
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Kike harpy, former Jewtube CEO, WEF and vaccine enabler Susan Wojcicki has died at 56. https://www.reuters.com/business/former-youtube-ceo-susan-wojcicki-has-died-google-ceo-says-2024-08-10/ I hope it was the mRna poison she forced down everyone's throat that killed with a turbo cancer that appeared two years ago. I press S to spit on this heeb whore who massively ruined the internet with her girlboss contributions.
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Is 4cuck crashing? Post count stopped 20 minutes ago, I tried to post and it doesn't go through.
>>4934 I think I know why. (((Weird))) how it happened when Ukrainian troops moved into Kursk. I know that CIA *****s really like to use muh russia trope, but it's true. Both America and Russia are zogged shitholes anyway. Russian chabad glowies and their shitskinned pets shill a lot on cuckchan. I think they decided to pull the plug on it for a bit.
>>4936 Sounds plausible. Do 4chan staff even put out announcements in case of maintenance?
>>4937 Cuckchan kike staff doesn't give a ***** about the state of things at all and never did. So, no.
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>>4941 Well, it's up now. Shills most affected for slowdown of their shekel deposits.
After covid I am extremely hesistant to take any vaccine ever again.. But now I am pressured by the school regarding MMR vaccine for my two *****.. What's cob's take on this?
>>4956 Don't know mate, I am old enough to remember that back in my days we had no compulsory MMR vaccines: we used to catch all these infant diseases, recover and gain a lifetime natural immunity to them. Personally, I had them all and recovered fine. It was completely normal to have them AND spread them too. Is MMR vaccine compulsory or just recommended? If the latter, avoid it and let nature do its course.
>>4958 Just recommended. I think. No idea if they will put us on some kind of anti-vaxx shitlist at social services or something though..
>>4960 If it's recommended, you can skip it. I know there are countries with crazy laws where they have dozens of compulsory vaccines and where they will forbid *****ren to attend school if not up do date, or even take away *****ren from their parents if they don't obey the vaccination schedule. You are lucky if you are not in one of these places, believe me.
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>>4962 > dozens of compulsory vaccines has anybody ever run a good study comparing overall health of maxxvaxxed *****ren vs completely unvaxxed (without suiciding with two gunshots in the back of their head, mind you)
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Do you goys know that jews put mezuzahs by their doors? You can probably locate a few jew homes in your area.
>>4982 I don't think the kikes in my country do this cause it's basically all Russians who merely claimed to be jews for the attached benefits lmao I know probably more about their demonic customs by now than these leeches themselves. Thanks anyways if I see this shit I'm gonna smash some windows
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>>4982 Didn't know about this stuff. I don't recall ever seeing anything similar. There are very few jews in my country though, never met one.
Happy 911 Here's to more to come hopefully inshallah
>>4986 kek Death to ZOG
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The absolute state of Telegram users. >https://thehackernews.com/2024/09/telegram-agrees-to-share-user-data-with.html
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>>5003 top kek when will they learn? COME BACK HOME TO ANONYMOUS TOR IMAGEBOARDS, WHITE MAN!
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Some Russian Proverbs About the jews, - If you lack a devil in your home, invite a Jew in. - Whoever serves a Jew will not avoid disaster. - What God loves, a Jew discards. - A baptised Jew is like a tamed wolf. - A Jew boasts of things a gentile repents for. - Let a Jew into your house for a day and you - won’t get rid of him in a year. - Wherever a Jew goes, misfortune brews. - A Jew’s hands love the labour of others. - Pandering to a Jew is no different from being a thief yourself. - A Jew is always ready to cross himself if he profits from it. - A Jew is nourished by mischief. - Where a Jew walks, men’s tears flow. - A Jew will say he was beaten, but will never say for what. - A Jew in business is like a leech on the skin. - A Jew’s love is worse than a hangman’s noose. - You want to ruin a Jew, don’t do business with him. - For a Jew, souls are cheaper than coins. - While you drink, a Jew steals your money. - A Jew doesn’t know what shame is. - A Jew will even swing a censer, as long as coin flows. - Run with Jews, wake up with sins. - Where a Jew goes, bribes follow. - First a Jew treats you to a drink, then he makes you a drunkard. - A Jew takes you not by force, but by temptation. - A Jew stinks as badly as he looks. - A Jew is like a pig: nothing hurts, but he keeps squealing. - A house is only good until a Jew settles in it. - A Jew is honey-mouthed in poverty, insolent in equality and a fiend in power. - Call a Jew a brother and he will call himself your father. - A Jew swings his tongue while a man swings his hoe. - A Jew works only with his stomach. - Who buys from a Jew digs his own grave. - A Jew promising healing is like Death promising life. - What ends up in a Jew’s hands, disappears. - Avoid friendship with a Jew and you will avoid trouble in life. - Bow to a Jew and you break in half. - Jews are like rats – only strong in packs. - Jewish praise is worse than scolding. - Trust your eyes, not Jewish words. - Jews carry lies like fields carry wheat. - When a Jew tells the truth, the Devil will die. - A Jew sinks the truth with gold, but it always floats to the surface. - A Jew looks at you like a fox, yet stinks like a wolf. - When you weep with joy, a Jew weeps with envy. - Even a sated Jew looks around with hungry eyes. - A Jew stops sucking blood only when he tires of breathing. - Better to lose with a Christian than to find with a Jew. - A Jew trembles over every coin even with one foot in the grave. - Jews sow usury and reap misery. - Jews pave their way with money. - You may complete your service to God, but never your service to a Jew. - Around rich Jews, men wear rags. - Locusts might devour your crops, but a Jew will rip your skin off. - Who gives a Jew free will, sells himself into slavery. - A leech will gorge itself and fall off, a Jew won’t. - There are no good Jews, just like there are no good rats.
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>>5003 WEW LADS https://www.propublica.org/article/telegram-terrorgram-collective-extremism-accelerationists-dallas-humber-matthew-allison >The recent crackdown on the social media platform Telegram has triggered waves of panic among the neo-Nazis who have made the app their headquarters for posting hate and planning violence. >Alarmed, Accelerationists on Telegram discussed the feasibility of finding another online sanctuary. Some considered the messaging service Signal, but others warned it was likely controlled by U.S. intelligence agencies. One post suggested users migrate to more obscure encrypted messaging apps like Briar and Session. >In extremist circles, there was more discussion about fleeing Telegram after Durov’s announcement this week. “Time is running out on this sinking ship,” wrote one user. “So we’re ditching Telegram?” asked another. If anyone lurking here is also a telegram user, tell fellow users to *****ing STOP USING SOCIAL KIKED MEDIA and repopulate here. If you are a glow***** reading this, just tongue my anus.
>>5010 post netanyahu funny maps
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>>5011 Not the first time Bibi's been up to these shenanigans. I have an old one
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Kursk Manual Combat Experiences of Ukraine SOF Units during the Kursk Operation, August 3-September 6 2024. A 266-page document from Ukraine's special forces. Leaked in russian translation and now circulating online. The manual contains discussion of previously unseen weapons, like M712 Copperhead, as well as comms & ISR stacks. en https://files.catbox.moe/ckhegk.pdf ru https://files.catbox.moe/b74x2v.pdf
