And to add, just a little rant about the twitter ***** cattle in general. While looking through some accounts on nitter I am just CONVINCED that majority of whites, even when they are awakened are just a lost a cause. The (((right wing))) retards are the most easily manipulated, most narcissistic useless subhumans possible. I have never EVER in my life had seen such a surge of cattle LARPing and believing in Hollywood nonsense like the holocaust, yes, there are (((National-Socialists))) out there believing in this bullshit now and actually embrace this faggotry. I, too, wish, it was real, maybe they wouldn't exist either, since I highly doubt they are white and not JIDF. Zero skepticism, they can shit on a kike pet like Elon Musk, but they will keep making accounts there like good goyim and get their data hoarded. They are ready and WILLING to dox each other too, but they would never target a jew on that platform. They are ready and WILLING to complain about the irish, meds, nords, slavs, women and kvetch endlessly farting their thoughts into the wind while latching onto the latest grift from e-celeb and getting replaced by shitskins and voting. That platform is the best *****ing pressure release valve made by the kikes, even moreso than cuckchan. I genuinely hope Elon Kike gets cancer and everyone, who uses that *****ing shithole will be hanging from lampposts on DOTR. Majority of the people there are beyond hope. It was over for them before it even began.