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/hp/ - /cob/ Happening General Anonymous 06/28/2021 (Mon) 07:33:58 No. 40
Thread for discussion of happenings that don't necessarily deserve their own thread.

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Stabbing of peace in Mannheim, Germany >be german setting a stand of some sort to promote (((EU values))) and Israel against Islam >peaceful auslander approaches with a knife of peace, fierce but mostly peacefully stabbing all those nazi germans >female cops stand by, doing nothing >white male cop arrests white bystander who had been peacefully stabbed, gets stabbed in the neck as well >turk looking cop finally shots the auslander gentleman >jewish media accuse the stabbed of being far-right https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/05/31/far-right-activist-and-others-hurt-in-stabbing-in-mannheim-germany full video https://files.catbox.moe/15s5zs.mp4 LEVEL OF CLOWN WORLD THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIBLE!
>>4739 funny posts on the subject https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/469714831 https://archive.is/1991n
>>4739 German cops are useless traitorous whores and nobody can tell me the cop that immediately jumped and subdued like the only German on the scene didn't perfectly well he was not the perpetrator. Cop got deservedly stabbed. In fact this is the only good thing from that entire shit show.
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>>4740 kek
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>>4741 The ZOGbot is dead >The officer, identified as Rouven L in German media, underwent emergency surgery following the attack and was placed in an artificial coma, only to die of his injuries on Sunday, the Daily Mail reports. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-shocking-video-shows-german-politician-stabbed-during-campaign-event-mannheim
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The absolute state!
>>4749 what are the odds the surgeons weren't german?
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>get replaced in record numbers by shitskin muslims and turd worlders who do terrorism, crime and ***** on your countrymen I SLEEP >koshervative party gets more votes than usual at useless EU election causing the Roths***** puppet Fagron to ragequit the parliament REAL SHIT! https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thousands-march-across-france-against-far-right-2024-06-15/ THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF FRANCE
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Two attacks of peace in two days in Germany! After an Afghan stabbed 3 german football fans in a private garden festival yesterday, another afghan refugee with an axe and molotov cocktails attacked football fans on the Reeperbahn in Hamburg. https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/06/15/afghan-migrant-shot-and-killed-after-going-on-stabbing-rampage-in-germany/ https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/thousands-march-across-france-against-far-right-2024-06-15/ THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF GERMANY
>>4786 wrong second link https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-police-fire-shots-axe-wielding-person-hamburg-soccer-fan-parade-2024-06-16/
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The absolute state of Europe.
>>4823 I really wish this shit planet gets hit with a Gamma Ray Burst, a meteor, or a relativistic kill vehicle. There's almost nothing worth saving. Most Whites are self-hating, sycophantic trash on both the left and the right. The other races are parasites who would have gone extinct if they did not have the White race to sponge off of. It's all *****ed. We need another mass extinction event, stat. Put this dead end species out of its damned misery. Hell, most racially conscious Whites, with few exceptions, are almost as bad as the liberals/cuckservatives. If a White Ethnostate was somehow carved out in Europe or North America, they will of course believe the Jews did it in an attempt to justify harsher restrictions in ZOG controlled countries. It's a *****ing mess. If only the fathers of our movement knew that most Humans, whites included, are genetic trash fit only to make fertilizer for the fields that feed their betters, then they would not have even have bothered. Christianity really *****ed the White race's gene pool, probably beyond repair. Hell, I sometimes wonder why Kikes bother importing shitskins when they have pretty much bred the bulk of the White race into the slave race they want already through Christianity. Then again, practical, logical thinking is a White trait anyway.
>>4825 Your pessimism isn't constructive, and borderline defeatist. I won't call you a coward, because you're probably not one, yet this kind of surrender disgusts me. Yes, we are in the Darkest Hour of the White race. Yes, things are getting worse by the second, and every minute that passes brings us closer to the collapse. But now ask yourself: isn't that a good thing? All of this unrest, these crisis, this global destruction means the destruction of the murderous System that we hate. The worse things get, the better it is for us. We stand closer to the Hour of Decision than any of our previous leaders ever did. Peak oil will cause the greatest crisis in human history ever. And at that precise moment, we need to be ready, readier than ever. The Beast is dying, we should celebrate! And when it is finally dead, we will be left. Yes, you are right, most "whites" will have to die. But not all of them. I have faith in my race, still, after all of theses failures. And this kernel of concentrated whiteness will be the seed from which we will once again dominate the earth. So rejoice, we are getting closer! And even if we fail, do you prefer to be the one who fought for what was right, or the deserter?
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>>4825 This post reminds me of these passages from Harassment Architecture. Read them: "I'm too ***** to formulate respectable opinions of the world, so I don't expect anyone to take me seriously. I'm rambling, and someone is listening, even if it isn't you. That someone is either more naive than I am, or much smarter and enjoying the pompous sting. On the record, I'll regret all of this someday. Off the record, I'm pretty certain I won't. I take it back — any existentialist concerns I've given off, mostly because it's so gauche and heavy-handed. I refuse to ingest that blackest pill. I refuse to push that blackest pill. I also refuse to associate with queer nihilists who think they know something the rest of us haven't figured out. ***** you, you don't. Even if you did, nobody would care because you're too busy guzzling Sutter Home to emo rap on the balcony of your off-campus apartment. Keep buying vinyl, that's definitely a good investment, retard. You read the words "God is dead," online and didn't investigate its context any further? That's really interesting and I would definitely love to hear more. You know what's dead? Pretending to care about minorities, makeup tutorial videos, talking about suicide, and astrology. It's hard to take someone seriously when they've become fanatical over something truly undeserving. You're crying about a cable show? You still watch shows? You still have cable? How *****ing dull. Pick something with more merit. Maybe get sickly attached to New Order or emotionally handcuff yourself to a death cult in the middle of Iowa. For bonus points, pick something from actual obscurity — and no, not Bauhaus. "Cum is God," also known as "pay attention to me, I'm a different kind of *****". Kick out your car's rear windshield, tie a chain around both a lamppost and your neck. Leave a respectable amount of slack. Drive forward and fast." "Nihilism and irony are really neat until you're dead and the only person who remembers you is your weed dealer. Nothing but a body, only found because it hadn't resupplied on drugs in a while. Imagine you are given the world only to pretend that you don't care about it. Imagine thinking Seinfeld is the single best show. This place is a miracle with indescribable beauty and I can't seem to appreciate it enough because I idolized the insincere for far too long. They've trained me in the dangerous ways of apathy for twenty- something years and I want it all to end. Saying that alone is a stand against it, but it isn't enough. I want to care, more, again. Not only as my last stand, but because I know the others will follow behind me if the cause is correctly chosen. I'm worried that everyone I know will reduce themselves to a shallow grave. If anything, why not funnel your nihilism into something absurd and productive. You don't care about this place? Wonderful. Take a rifle and empty one entire drum magazine into the windows of [REDACTED]. Empty the magazine and don't look back unless everything in that hornet's nest is contaminated with lead. You don't care about anything? Let me write a message about something that pains me, tape it to your chest, and send you into [REDACTED] for a memorable public self-execution. Let me cover you in plastic explosives and take you on a field trip to the largest power station in America." TL;DR? Let your nihilism fuel you. Let your misanthropia be your motivation. Let your negativity set off the next helter skelter.
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https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/rouen-cathedrals-spire-is-fire-2024-07-11/ Another French medieval Gothic cathedral is burning, this time is Rouen. The fire started in the area on the top where renovation was ongoing, like in Notre Dome. What a coincidence! And it is also a coincidence this irrepleaceable historic treasure of European architecture and history is burning in these times when french people almost made some very bad goy political choice at the ballot.
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Uuuuhhhh woke up to this mess in Pennsylvania, MSM showing what happened to Trump on repeat. The shots were aimed at his head, it was a close one so I would dismiss any schizo shit trying to frame it as a false flag. Went to 4cuck and someone also found out that the shooter appeared in a Blackrock commercial (that was taken down pretty fast). I think a genuine leftist nutcase is plausible, but it might also be a concerted effort by the (((usual suspects))) . It remains to check how the shooter obtained the gun and why secret service was so slow to neutralize him, since attendees saw him and reported its presence to the police. Alex Jones is claiming the deep state assassins won’t stop at Trump, but will be going after his major supporters in addition to Joe Biden, whose assassination or attempted assassination would be blamed on Trump supporters. Jones posted on X “Emergency! America Is Now Under Globalist Attack! More Assassination Attempts Imminent. The Deep States Next Move is False Flags, Civil Unrest & Martial Law!” Thoughts?
>>4835 just another jewish psy-op, probably to rile up american whites in order to get them to join the military.
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>>4836 As much as ineffective Trump presidency was for white people (not to mention the jan 6 shitshow and Operation Warp Speed) as a matter of a fact he was never a warmonger and not fond of NATO faggotry. Considering the attempts to eliminate him via trials and now the attempted murder, I am inclined to believe they genuinely don't want Trump for a second term because he would be another 4 years delay in their shit WEF plans. Remember it was supposed to be Hillary's turn in 2016, their plans were *****ed up and their rage showed. Trump is a no war president, he is all about muh deals and such. Biden's dementia running faster than they predicted is also not helping, so they are probably panicking.
>>4835 By the Gods, I WISH that orange kike got shot in the head. It's a shame it's just jewish theatrics all over again.
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>>4835 what did he mean by this
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>>4838 From an accelerationist perspective, both Biden reelection or Trump assassination are high valuable outcomes. A new Trump presidency would be another temporary pressure valve, during which white genocide and the destruction of white people's economic survival would still continue unscathed, yet a bit slower than current pace.
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Vaxxed and boosted old fart president Biden caught "summer covid". Summer flu outbreaks always existed, and covid vax is safe and effective, you nazi conspiracy theorists! https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-tests-positive-covid-19-unidosus-president-says-2024-07-17/ Just a coincidence that now he cannot go around in public meetings further embarrassing the whole world.
>>4837 Nobody gives a shit whether the orange ***** was beneficial or not. The entire votecuck MIGA faggotry was the most retarded thing to ever happen to (((right wing))) and imageboards in general, nobody is panicking, in fact they are happy that ***** cattle loves this chabad pest. Twitter ***** cattle is very happy with all this shitshow in particular. Pure cancer.
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>>4849 kek, you're not wrong. They are putting up an extremely cringe and chaotic show nonetheless.
German bros, Is this a happening? unredacted covid files from German CDC leaked >https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/475316727
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>>4851 >Is this a happening? Sadly not. Intermittent disclosure about the covid hoax were part of the plandemic since the start. It serves the purpose of further demoralizing and boosting learned helplessness of the cattle about their condition. No judge nor politician will ever prosecute themselves for the crimes committed first hand at the orders of ZOG. It's just about reinforcing in the cattle the idea that yes, some things actually happened because the world government said so, and there is nothing the cattle can do about it beyond the mere acknowledgement of its lack of power.
And to add, just a little rant about the twitter ***** cattle in general. While looking through some accounts on nitter I am just CONVINCED that majority of whites, even when they are awakened are just a lost a cause. The (((right wing))) retards are the most easily manipulated, most narcissistic useless subhumans possible. I have never EVER in my life had seen such a surge of cattle LARPing and believing in Hollywood nonsense like the holocaust, yes, there are (((National-Socialists))) out there believing in this bullshit now and actually embrace this faggotry. I, too, wish, it was real, maybe they wouldn't exist either, since I highly doubt they are white and not JIDF. Zero skepticism, they can shit on a kike pet like Elon Musk, but they will keep making accounts there like good goyim and get their data hoarded. They are ready and WILLING to dox each other too, but they would never target a jew on that platform. They are ready and WILLING to complain about the irish, meds, nords, slavs, women and kvetch endlessly farting their thoughts into the wind while latching onto the latest grift from e-celeb and getting replaced by shitskins and voting. That platform is the best *****ing pressure release valve made by the kikes, even moreso than cuckchan. I genuinely hope Elon Kike gets cancer and everyone, who uses that *****ing shithole will be hanging from lampposts on DOTR. Majority of the people there are beyond hope. It was over for them before it even began.
>>4855 I actually hate how right William Pierce is sometimes. If a White revolt and a white enclave formed, the absolute pants-on head retards of twitter and cuckchan would believe it was a Mossad Operation to create a boogieman. Most Whites need to die as well as all non-Whites and kikes. Christianity has really *****ed up the gene pool of our race almost as bad as the *****ing race mixing. *****!
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>>4857 Christcucks are non salvageable like the rest of the NPCs: their own religious chiefs turned their back on their own traditions for convenience, king ***** Obama with his ***** cabal literally pulled a colored revolution into their ancient institutions to kick out the german pope and replace him with the heretical Bergoglio. Their beliefs are mocked on the world stage, their temples burned and desecrated continuously and their clerics either turned to faggotry or beheaded by the invaders. Imagine being a Christcuck undergoing all this and turning the other cheek in silence like a golemoid slav. Embarrassing and sad.
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>>4842 >Biden caught "summer covid" kek And he recovered very quickly as soon as he finally "decided" to step down in favor of new candidate after their botched plot to assassinate Trump. I imagine they came up with the covid stuff to force Biden isolated and pressured 24/7 to give up the race (and the many millions dollars he had collected for this purpose). I can assume they had a plan B to kill him and declare he "died of covid" in case he refused to cooperate. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-tests-negative-covid-doctor-says-2024-07-23/ Meanwhile, the golems showed up in their public submission umiliation ritual during the visit of king kike Net and yahoo.
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More protests in UK after the brutal and senseless murder of white *****ren https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/eight-people-arrested-during-latest-uk-protest-after-fatal-stabbings/ar-AA1o9CdZ >The unrest is set to continue this weekend. According to anti-racism charity Hope Not Hate, as many as 35 protests are due to take place across the UK this weekend under a “broad anti-multiculturalism, anti-Muslim and anti-Government agenda.” Yes, protests are useless goytoys that get you nowhere. But we run short of acceleration. We cannot go on any further is this eternal limbo of slow genocide. Things need to start somewhere, somehow. At least there are still some vital signs to be found in Britanistan hellscape.
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>>4903 Is it going to be over tomorrow, when monday morning will bring all the working people back to their wagecucking routine? This will simply fizzle out if things don't escalate beyond the mere skirmishes with the pigs, and it will die down like yellow vests and covid protests.
>>4906 While there's only one logical answer to this it's tough to tell given people are generally stupid. (((Starmer))) was retarded enough to basically declare war on Brits so there's no point in going back to wage-slaving. From all these mobile videos alone I could prolly ID about one thousand people who will spent years behind bars now. Should those people just go to work on Monday like NPCs just to wait to be *****d by some kike judge? I know I wouldn't. It's all or nothing now. The shitskins must go and their handlers as well, or brits and any other white people are going to live as slaves until we go extinct.
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Muslim Defence League, MDL in Bolton.
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In UK *****philia is not a crime, being white and tired of your own genocide is. This was achieved in less than one century.
>>4921 Can we at least dox those degenerate judges by posting their names and addresses on social media? I know bongs are cowards and won't do shit, so the chances of something coming of it are slim. We do not even call people to action, we just tell people where they and their worthless *****ing families live. Not to sound blackpilled, but I did not think these riots were going to lead to a whole hell of a lot except the usual two-tier policing in Western Law enforcement. Hell, a minor member of Starmer's cabinent being stabbed to death by a masked man would have done a lot more damage than this tantrum. Hell, Stephen Balliet did more damage than those thousands of morons combined. I bet most of them were civnat cucks, too. Why, a lot of those rioters were optics cucking cowards. The riots fizzling out in typical Yellow Vest fashion was not the disappointing part, I am disappointed that none of our guys pressed the advantage to assassinated some high-value targets while the cops were chasing their tails. It would be incredibly easy to get away with it, too, further destabilizing the JEWnited Kingdom. Hell, we could theoretically garrote those judge's throats while they are pissing in the urinals of the men's room at the local mall. Even the beta male pussies of generations passed would have done that. Riots and mass movement politics never accomplish anything. *****, David Copeland did way more damage to ZOG 25 years ago than this gay little tantrum.
>>4922 >The riots fizzling out in typical Yellow Vest fashion was not the disappointing part Personally it disappointed me that even muzzies have grown so lazy that none of those monkeys engaged in meaningful retaliation. Meanwhile, the (((media))) in unison diverted completely from the core of the problem - white *****ren brutally murdered apparently for no reason by a non white - to the usual autistic screeching about racism and islamophobia and the need to bring in more censorship. A couple examples https://ikram.org.my/riots-in-britain-the-role-of-social-media-in-promoting-racism-and-islamophobia/ https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/politics/far-right/67578/terrorist-history-far-right-violence >These riots undermined the new Labour government barely a month into its administration. They led to renewed calls both in the UK and abroad to more seriously address the pernicious role social media plays in inciting and driving mob violence. According to lugenpresse, british whites - and all whites worldwide - must just suck it up, and I quote "The obvious answer in a democracy, of course, is to vote—engage in a democratic process in defence of your views, and if you lose, accept that your views represent the minority." tl; dr Whites must lie down and die silently, or get stomped if they refuse.
>According to lugenpresse, british whites - and all whites worldwide - must just suck it up, and I quote "The obvious answer in a democracy, of course, is to vote—engage in a democratic process in defence of your views, and if you lose, accept that your views represent the minority." tl; dr Whites must lie down and die silently, or get stomped if they refuse. I really wish an asteroid the size of Texas would smash into this planet and put out of its misery at this point, as the only multi-cellular organism worth a damn's extinction is as certain as death and taxes. >Personally it disappointed me that even muzzies have grown so lazy that none of those monkeys engaged in meaningful retaliation. Leave it to the kikes to turn an aggressive, militaristic race into just another group of cattle on its way to the slaughter house. One of many such cases. Hope they suffer in the Jew world order in our absence.
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>>4739 >>4749 >>4752 New enrichment in Germany just dropped https://news.sky.com/story/germany-festival-stabbings-person-detained-in-connection-with-knife-attack-in-which-three-people-were-killed-13202035 >be german in Solingen attending "Festival of Diversity" >diversity shows up, commencing mass stabbing of peace >kills 3, injures more >authorities tell the band playing at festival to keep playing music, so that the diversity could have a nice soundtrack for his peaceful stab attack >peaceful stabber flees, manhunt commence >usual rumors about a "tanned person" float around >authorities refuse to elaborate further Stay tuned for the next Clown World happening!
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Meanwhile, in France, more enrichment at the local synagogue in La Grande-Motte https://edition.cnn.com/2024/08/24/europe/france-synagogue-arson-la-grande-motte-intl/index.html >A lone suspect set multiple cars on fire in a parking lot across the street from Synagogue Beth Yaacov before one exploded >The suspect is still at large. Joyeux Shabbat!
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A nignog stabs a lad in Birmingham. >https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckg2k0zzdx8o
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>>4835 FBI investigating another apparent assassination attempt against Trump at a Florida golf course. https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-investigating-another-apparent-assassination-attempt-against-trump-heres-what-authorities-said-happened-at-a-florida-golf-course-221838365.html >The FBI is investigating an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump after a man armed with an AK-style rifle was spotted near Trump’s golf course in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday. >The Associated Press reported, citing three law enforcement sources, that the suspect has been identified as Ryan Wesley Routh. >Trump, who was golfing with longtime friend and adviser Steve Witkoff, was unharmed and quickly moved to a secure location. This is the second apparent assassination attempt against Trump’s life within the last nine weeks. Now the question is: are (((they))) behind this attempt too, or simply these are the result after 8 years of madness of the media in depicting Trump as orange Hitler?
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So, after this >>5000 the jews went all in and bombed civilians in Beirut to kill Nasrallah. And apparently Bibi did this while being in UN headquarters where he gave one of his typically neurotic jewish speeches in half empty room. https://x.com/BenjAlvarez1/status/1839663026988802186 Since they own jewSA (and consequently UN and NATO) and they are sure they will never have to pay for their worldwide terroristic actions, the kikes can afford to exterminate their enemies without repercussion. We can laugh at muslims for being all bark and no bite (you cannot escape genetics, after all) but let me just remind you that we, as whites, are on the very same extermination plan of the jews like Hezbollah. This state of things will never cease until someone will decide to take one for the team and start applying to kikes the same treatment (((they))) aply to the goyim. I doubt anyone will ever dare to do such a thing until the giant amerigolem will still exists.
>>5010 you are a jew
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>>5016 Have the bots reached /cob/ too?
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So Trump apparently beat two madam presidents... I was expecting a new vote tampering, I woke up thinking it was over and now i see it's hoever instead. Apparently Trump won in the electoral AND the popular vote, journos have the face of death and libtard freaks are melting down... With Bush we had 9-11, with Trump 2020 we had covid19. What will the jews do next? Will Trump succeed in finding the instigators of his assassination attempts? Inb4 he pardons them and starts war with Iran.
>>5041 certified woman beater
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>>5042 kek
Welp, the amerimutt ***** cattle did it. It's all back to normal, I guess. The whitey is content in his pigsty as usual. The kikes got their best shabbos goy. Unless he gets actually assassinated and that sets off a civil war.
