That's the sad part. If we could organize, we would effectively be unstoppable. Even seemingly hopeless regions like South Africa would become White ethnostates. It would take a very long time, however. In a war of the sword, Whites are almost invincible. In a war of the word, our enemies turn us against each other.
I actually hate White liberal elites more than I hate Jews. If I had a good and two bullets, and I was in a room with a liberal White elite, a Jew, and a *****, I would cap the kike and the ***** between the eyes, then strangle the liberal traitor elite until the lights in his eyes went out.
That is not to say I would do this to all liberals. I noticed that redpilled former conservatives simply adopt this ideology to be edgy, while most of the men of action I noticed tended to be former liberals. Seriously, most conservatives who adopt this ideology seem to do it because "racism funny, LOL." Former liberals seem to take it with at least iota of seriousness. Hell, I think Tarrant was a former leftist. Rich liberals know the truth, they are just elitist sociopaths who do not care.
Hell, with organization, the US could probably be toppled by a ten or fif***** man group simply taking out critical infrastructure. Then the chain of command. Forget organization, a man on a rooftop with a rifle could cause serious, potentially irreversible damage to ZOG.
I hope Kamala wins the presidency and gets hit with a bullet by some asshurt MIGApede, who bitches about yet another rigged election. The odds are incredibly slim that happens, but a man can dream. Part of me wishes the idiots on January 6th went into the Capitol building shooting people. It was maddening they did not.