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White Genocide and Race War watch thread Anonymous 06/29/2021 (Tue) 08:39:42 No. 67
Thread to collect all news, happenings, redpills and various material about the persecution of our people and White Genocide.

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>>4707 Black bois will always be riding our coattails KEK
>>4716 True, they just can't be doing anything on their own. ***** culture is basically copying others, failing at that, and then distorting it in the most disgusting way possible.
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>>4319 >A twenty-year-old boy, Gianmarco Fiacchi , was arrested by Digos during an anti-terrorism operation in neo-Nazi and white supremacist circles. The ***** man must answer to charges of manufacturing and possession of a clandestine weapon: with a 3D printer he had manufactured a ready-to-use gun and dozens of rounds of ammunition. What worried investigators was the fact that Fiacchi had released some videos in which he explained how to use these weapons (the FGC-9), as well as images of beheadings and massacres motivated by racial hatred . The boy, who was already under the attention of the police, invited people to commit acts of violence against black people, especially via Telegram. Original source in italian https://archive.is/RxK5c
>>4319 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8994q51l0lo >Edward Griffiths sent footage to people of the 2019 Christchurch terrorist attacks in New Zealand and said he would "like" to go on a killing spree. >The 44-year-old, of Hermitage Road in Whitwick, Leicestershire, was found guilty of encouraging terrorism and two counts of dissemination of a terrorist publication in May. >At Birmingham Crown Court he was jailed for four and a half years. >He had also repeatedly expressed violent opinions about ethnic and immigrant communities on social media.
>>4395 Parents and school actively denounce white *****ren to police for "terrorism" https://www.gazettelive.co.uk/news/teesside-news/stockton-*****-filmed-himself-throwing-29315769 >A *****ager who filled notebooks with "abhorrent in the extreme" racist thoughts, had online chats with white supremacist groups and filmed himself throwing a petrol bomb appeared for sentencing at Leeds Youth Court on Friday by senior district judge Paul Goldspring > teachers at the boy's school became so concerned after he scrawled on his mock GCSE physics paper, that they eventually called counter-terror police. When officers arrived at his home in December 2023, his mother told them: "It's about my son, isn't it?" and she already had a range of items ready for them to inspect on the dining table of their house in Stockton. The cleansing needed to undo this sort of societal damage would be of such magnitude that I can barely imagine.
>>4772 poor kid, having his parents rat him out will give him trust issues for the rest of his life. Chances are he'll become a coldblooded remorseless killer. Good job, kikes lol
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Nice if true https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0vv717yvpeo
>>4621 The Reynolds boy has been sentenced to 8 years. He literally didn't do anything, they put him in jail just for things he claimed on the internet and files on his device. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13531211/Nazi-suicide-bomb-plotter-plot-blow-Jewish-people.html If he was a shitskin raping white *****ren, he would have got away scot free.
>>4788 (heil'ed) ngl that's pretty based >>4789 >Nazi-suicide-bomb-plotter-plot-blow-Jewish-people geez, all the buzz words in the link but poor lad, I hope he comes out stronger from this show trial
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How can you possibly believe this white replacement conspiracy theory, goyim? Eheh! Original source https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2024/06/21/de-diepe-racistische-wortels-van-de-omvolkingstheorie-a4857248
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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13568079/Germany-judge-jails-woman-insults-gang-rapist-convicted-attack-girl.html https://web.archive.org/web/20240627172732/https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13568079/Germany-judge-jails-woman-insults-gang-rapist-convicted-attack-girl.html https://archive.is/3JL7y
>>4806 I hope that's some 5D chess move by that judge cunt trying secretly to trigger us into ultra-violence because if not she's pretty much top of my kill bill.
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>>4806 > she's pretty much top of my kill bill. All antiwhite vermin should be.
Illegals fired fire arms at Greek coast guard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqrcE00VmhQ
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Warm welcome to this talk. You may know me from a few years ago when I encouraged you to get an experimental vaccine which turned out to sometimes make you die. Whoopsie doodles! Something else I want to shine a light on. It's that time of the year again when I remind you to save *****s! Never mind there's over a billion of them and they still haven't managed to learn how to feed themselves on their own. Just look at it. The poor thing. Feed it now so it can kick you in the face later.
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>>2673 >uk Just found otthis blog exists https://far-rightcriminals.com/about-2/ >authors: (((Hazel Zebulon, Dave Hunter, John Goldstein))) You can't make this shit up
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New stabbening in UK https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/07/29/southport-major-incident-stabbing-police/ Mentally ill ***** killed and injured several white *****ren with a knife he forgot to bin. Reminder that white *****ren are already a minority in Cucknited Kingdom, with a population that has been vaccinated in very high numbers. Saint Tarrant tried to warn you. Not only you didn't listen, you'll never do anything either.
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>>4874 RIP little innocent ethnomartyrs
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>>4875 >Not only you didn't listen, you'll never do anything either. wrong >>4876 I'm fueled with a burning rage right now like you wouldn't believe. Kill the brown scum, kill their enablers and apologists.
>>4874 What can they really do in the UK? Outside of bombings, the only other thing a hypothetical disciple could do would be to burn down buildings or stab shitskins with knives. Shitskins know this, hence why they always fight in groups of five or ten when trying to beat up even a malnourished white hobo. I live in a no-guns shithole, and the best I could envision is someone putting homemade phosphene gas inside of a Synagogue's ventilation systems. Then again, mustard gas is not very lethal, so you'd just give kikes permanent lung scarring while killing their boomers inside.
>>4878 Phosgene is easy to make lad but getting a substantial quantity takes ages. Application is a hassle, too. Even in WWI results in lethality varied widely. Easiest is to built multiple single-shot pipeguns and some pipe bombs or propane tank bombs (the propane and air will mix, for example in a cellar over night. the content of a single container will literally destroy a three story house. For igniting the fuel-air mix fill a water boiler with gasoline in a airtight plastic bag and plug it in the socket with a timer in between, nothing fancy!). As melee is concerned you just use a claw hammer and, wait for it, a *****ing kitchen knife! You really don't need any more than this. White men have conquered the world with less. "Add a step forward to it." A Spartan mother to her son when he complained his sword was too short.
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>>4878 It's legal to own air-rifles in the UK, it's possible to modify them to have lethal PSI. Identify the highest targets in your city.
>>4876 Her name was Bebe King. She was 6 years old. Her name was Elsie Stancombe. She was 7 years old. Her name was Alice Aguiar. She was 9 years old.
>>4878 >not policy makers good goy
>>4877 Incredibly sad. Even sadder no UK disciple ever took action. UK glow*****s jailed countless before they could properly train and act.
>>4882 I just can't comprehend how someone could hunt and stab little girls. I mean it's a low IQ monkey, feral subhumans with low impulse control and functionally retarded, but still. (((Prosecution))) will certainly go for mental but it's a well known fact that violent behavior is much less common in people with psychological problems. That leaves just that this *****ing animal did it deliberately and consciously.
>>4885 That's the sad part. If we could organize, we would effectively be unstoppable. Even seemingly hopeless regions like South Africa would become White ethnostates. It would take a very long time, however. In a war of the sword, Whites are almost invincible. In a war of the word, our enemies turn us against each other. I actually hate White liberal elites more than I hate Jews. If I had a good and two bullets, and I was in a room with a liberal White elite, a Jew, and a *****, I would cap the kike and the ***** between the eyes, then strangle the liberal traitor elite until the lights in his eyes went out. That is not to say I would do this to all liberals. I noticed that redpilled former conservatives simply adopt this ideology to be edgy, while most of the men of action I noticed tended to be former liberals. Seriously, most conservatives who adopt this ideology seem to do it because "racism funny, LOL." Former liberals seem to take it with at least iota of seriousness. Hell, I think Tarrant was a former leftist. Rich liberals know the truth, they are just elitist sociopaths who do not care. Hell, with organization, the US could probably be toppled by a ten or fif***** man group simply taking out critical infrastructure. Then the chain of command. Forget organization, a man on a rooftop with a rifle could cause serious, potentially irreversible damage to ZOG. I hope Kamala wins the presidency and gets hit with a bullet by some asshurt MIGApede, who bitches about yet another rigged election. The odds are incredibly slim that happens, but a man can dream. Part of me wishes the idiots on January 6th went into the Capitol building shooting people. It was maddening they did not.
>>4888 >Whites are almost invincible. why did turks turn the east roman empire into oriental shithole full of diaspora pajeets then?
>Kamala nvm as murican ur exempt from history or geography classes
>>4888 [checked and heiled] >most of the men of action I noticed tended to be former liberals In people who have woken up there is certainly a personal element of revenge involved for being lied to for so long, maybe even shock and guilt for being a former NPC, but it's mostly that these people had made a conscious decision to change their opinions. They deliberately analyzed the world and found that liberalism is objectively all fairy tails and degenerate suicidal bullshit. That's a more conscious process of thinking than, say, someone who grew up right-wing because his parents told him so.
>>4889 There's not much genetic difference between Turks and Meds if at all so there's not really a contest here. Ancient Greeks settled all over modern Anatolia's coasts for thousands of years, were assimilated and would later merge with Turks who were much whiter back then. You see it even today that modern Greeks and continental (European side) Turks look both quite White and similar. The br*wnoid scum on the Asiatic side of Turkey wasn't much of a thing back then. East Rome fell to people who were no less White than itself and not half as rotten. Late Rome was a degenerate hell hole and cucked by Christianity since about 400 onward. Comparing early (much Whiter) and late Rome is like medieval France vs its (((modern))) iteration.
>>4892 you must think erdogan is white too
>>4893 idiot, Turks from west of the Bosporus look the same as Greeks.
>>4896 OK savior of the white race
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>>4882 These innocents will be memoryholed real fast. Brit pigs have already arrested dozens of whites protesting this shit. The shabbos PM Starmer already dismissed the abhorrent crime to come to the rescue of precious ethnic replacers, with the media putting out pathetic attempt at excusing the ***** by posting pics of when he was a *****. Anglo countries are a hellhole.
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>>4966 Dudley Road in Birmingham Reasha Geddes, 34, has been remanded to appear before magistrates in Birmingham tomorrow (26 August). https://www.westmidlands.police.uk/news/west-midlands/news/news/2024/august/man-charged-following-dudley-road-stabbing/ https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/man-charged-wounding-after-dudley-29810161 https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2024/08/25/lawless-britain-four-arrested-after-stabbing-in-multicultural-birmingham/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13778435/moment-man-stabbed-street-arrested-attempted-murder.html https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2024/08/multiple-stabbings-by-muslims-across-the-uk-dad-with-stroller-stabbed-in-the-neck-3701148.html https://modernity.news/2024/08/25/horrific-video-shows-man-being-stabbed-in-the-neck-while-walking-his-baby/ https://worldstarhiphop.com/videos/wshhuW947BI3g10k46xm/lucky-to-be-alive-man-bleeds-like-crazy-after-getting-stabbed-in-the-neck-in-birmingham-uk-while-he-was-walking-his-kid https://vidmax.com/video/229071-black-man-stabs-a-white-man-as-others-laugh-in-birmingham-4-arrested-on-attempted-murder-charges https://old.bitchute.com/video/qfB4SrsEekMM/ https://news.google.com/stories/CAAqNggKIjBDQklTSGpvSmMzUnZjbmt0TXpZd1NoRUtEd2oybGZXYkRCR2tVOTY2QkN3T2lDZ0FQAQ?ceid=GB:en&oc=3
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Aussie lad reuploaded on youtube the "infamous" 2015 video With Open Gates. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2AsczGKB1g Link to download the video https://litter.catbox.moe/dkk9du.mp4
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>>4972 Police need to be ambushed and killed on a regular basis in all western countries.
>>4973 This. As long as aiding ZOG has no consequences for cops, judges, politicians media personalities and journos this will just continue. It's almost comical how these targets seem to be literally (((avoided))).
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>>4885 They still do https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/white-supremacist-live-streamed-himself-33965721 >A sick white supremacist who live-streamed himself pretending to be the police officer who murdered George Floyd has been jailed. >He had been unanimously convicted by a jury of disseminating a terrorist publication, four counts of encouraging terrorism and one count of sending an electronic communication with intent to cause distress or anxiety. He had also previously admitted six counts of possessing terrorist information
>>4885 this guy tried but obtained little https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14002337/Terrifying-moment-neo-Nazi-stabs-asylum-seeker-hotel-protest-against-small-boat-crossings-faces-years-jail-attempted-murder.html
Keep bangin' on the wall Keep bangin' on the wall Of fortress Europe! 2022 -a new European order Robot guards patrolling the border Cybernetic dogs are getting closer and closer Armored cars and immigration officers A burning village in Kosovo You bombed it out now you're telling us go home Machine guns strut on the cliffs of Dover Heads down people look out! we're going over Burnin up! can we survive re-entry Past the mines and the cybernetic sentries Safe European homes built on wars You don't like the effect don't produce the cause The chip is in your head not on my shoulder Total control just around the corner Open up the floodgates time's nearly up Keep banging on the wall of fortress Europe Keep banging Keep banging on the wall of fortress Europe We got a right , know the situation We're the *****ren of globalization No borders only true connection Light the fuse of the insurrection This generation has no nation Grass roots pressure the only solution We're sitting tight 'cause asylum is a right Put an end to this confusion Dis is a 21st century exodus Dis is a 21st century exodus Burnin' up can we survive re-entry Past the landmines and cybernetic sentries Plane, train, car , ferry boat or bus The future is bleeding coming back at us The chip is in your head not on my shoulder Total control around the corner Open up the floodgates time's nearly up Keep banging on the wall of fortress Europe Keep banging Keep banging on the wall of fortress Europe Dis is a 21st century exodus Dis is a 21st century exodus They got a right - listen not to de scaremonger Who doesn't run when they're feel the hunger From where to what to when to here to there People caught up in red tape nightmare Break out of the detention centers Cut the wires and tear up the vouchers People get ready it's time to wake up Tear down the walls of fortress europe
https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1811049961385250912 They can't keep getting away with it!
>>5033 Disgusting gorilla
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>>4897 https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20923/uk-starmer-dictatorship >"Ideas are more powerful even than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas," said Josef Stalin. Those words appear to have become Starmer's motto... >Britain's new leader, Prime Minister Keir Starmer, in the tried-and-true way of Communist dictators, has begun his first term by initiating a great purge of British dissidents. >British protesters, denounced as "far right thugs," are being put behind bars faster than the prison services can absorb.... The *****est ***** arrested and charged is just 11 years old. >Because the prisons, already overflowing, cannot handle the sudden influx of mass-sentenced wrongthinkers, Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood announced that to make room for the dissidents, it will be freeing early roughly 5,500 criminals... who "will include criminals convicted of violence..."
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>>5036 UK is truly a cursed place
>rahm emanuel >American ambassador to Japan >pushing for gay rights and open borders
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>>5044 >rahm emanuel Early life? Let's fimd out! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rahm_Emanuel >Emanuel's father, Benjamin M. Emanuel, was born in Jerusalem. He moved to the United States to work as a pediatrician at Michael Reese Hospital.[8] >The surname Emanuel (Hebrew: עמנואל), which means "God is with us", was adopted by their family in memory of Rahm's uncle (his father's brother) Emanuel Auerbach, who was killed in 1933 in an altercation with Arabs in Jerusalem.[9][10] >Emanuel's maternal grandfather was a Moldovan Jew who emigrated from Bessarabia.[11] His mother, Marsha (née Smulevitz), is the daughter of a West Side Chicago labor union organizer who worked in the civil rights movement. She briefly owned a local rock and roll club,[9][12] and later became an adherent of Benjamin Spock's writings. >Emanuel's parents met during the 1950s in Chicago.[12] Emanuel was born on November 29, 1959, in Chicago, Illinois. His first name, Rahm (רם‎) means high or lofty in Hebrew.[10
