The Coronavirus is going to hit every continent, and touch every town and eventually touch every person in the world (maybe not now, but eventually) and so we have to operate on the assumption that someone is going to transmit it to us and we should be educated and have a plan about what Coronavirus is, why it works, where it came from, what to expect, and what to do when you get symptoms.
If we get the virus, the only way to beat it is with the immune system your parents gave you, to be the force-protection that creates protein sequences that mark and dispose of a never before seen virus.
Coronavirus is an very small object that is a package of genetic material with molecular keys on its spherical hull, to trick cells in your nasal cavity to import its genetic material into your nucleus for replication.
Coronavirus first takes up shop and procreates on the interior surface of your nasal cavity. It the spreads to the back of the neck, the Esophagus and then to the bottom of the lungs. Coronavirus can live outside the body suspended in air, invisible water droplets in air, or come to rest on any surface. The virus isn't alive, so heat and cold do not kill it.
Coronavirus cannot not pass through the skin. It must enter your body through the eyes, nostrils, mouth, or other mucus port into the body. Nose is the Coronavirus specialty.
Coronavirus Jumps from the person to person via moist exhaled air, so keeping your mouth at a distance (At least 3 feet more is better) from other people exhaling reduces the odds of it catching.
Which brings us to the first defense mechansims: 1. Do not breath in the moist air that other people exhale. And 2. do not touch your eyes, nostrils, or mouth with your fingers, washing hands often. Coronavirus is killed by any typical soap and can be washed away from the surface of your fingers with running water. So hand-washing prevents the virus from making the transit to your nostrils.
It also travels through the moisture or debris on the surface of any object that a lot of people touch, doorknobs or any object in any public place. So handshaking, touching objects that other people have touched, is all off limits. Even deceptive places like the bottoms of shoes. The Coronavirus originates from the lungs and snot moisture of coughs and sneezes. Since people touch their nostrils, and mouth all the time, the virus is everywhere, on the floor, on the walls, on every surface exposed to the exhaling moisture of people.
Touching Coronavirus on an object is by itself harmless, until you bring it up to the moisture in your mouth, nostrils, eye or other mucus port. There the corona virus goes straight to work in a similar way as described in this hour long video, Discovery Curiosity, Battlefield Cell:
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Edited last time by vol2 on 01/26/2020 (Sun) 06:59:23.
173 posts and 70 images omitted.