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Anonymous 06/20/2019 (Thu) 03:29:13 Id:369fa2 No. 66

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https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1650968763552890883 https://archive.is/onmxr https://archive.is/q0NV6 https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1647174122776952834 https://archive.is/zYhC1 https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1660651328849289219 https://archive.is/lWH8V https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1650990081971310594 https://archive.is/OnUkA https://twitter.com/GunterFehlinger/status/1653429084494372864 https://twitter.com/hashtag/FehlingerDoctrine https://twitter.com/hashtag/ExRussia

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https://www.bullionvault.com/gold-news/brics-currency-061320231 https://www.kitco.com/news/2023-07-07/Russia-confirms-BRICS-will-create-a-gold-backed-currency.html
> Transgender woman wins Miss Netherlands pageant for first time — and has a shot at Miss Universe https://nypost.com/2023/07/10/miss-netherlands-won-for-first-time-by-a-transgender-woman/

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>Valve Corporation v. Roths***** (2:23-cv-01016) https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/67569388/valve-corporation-v-roths*****/ >Roths***** Broadcast Distribution Systems >umbrella for a shitload of shell companies >use those companies to flood the system with a bunch of useless patents >don't create or sell anything using those patents >only use those patents to accuse legit companies of infringement >companies often settle to pay a licensing fee instead of turning it into a real legal case https://archive.is/sxAq4
>As early as 2004, Amnesty International reported that ***** girls were being kidnapped, tortured and forced into prostitution in Kosovo with UN and NATO personnel being the customers driving the demand for the ***** slaves. The UN's department of peacekeeping in New York acknowledged at that time that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution".
Secret Chinese Biolab Raided In CA: HIV, COVID, Hepatitis
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Syria: Washington and its terrorist tools continue to plunder Syrian strategic resources >Damascus, SANA-Syria affirmed that the US and its tools of terrorist organizations and militias continue to violate Syrian sovereignty and plunder the country’s wealth and strategic resources, and demanded thatAmerican officials be held accountable for the looting and that the American administration be obliged to compensate for them, end the illegal presence of American forces, and return the lands it occupies and the oil and gas fields to the Syrian state. Syrian Arab News Agency https://sana.sy/en/?p=316541
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih*****NUevg0Q&t=785 >the babies we eat
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You can't make this shit up >A few weeks ago, some 'performance artists' released a large Ukrainian flag on some helium-balloons. After it's short lighter-than-air flight, the flag came to ground in a pig-sty. This is an actual photograph of said flag. In the pig-sty, resting on pig-shit. https://files.catbox.moe/2ec7en.mp4
https://archive.is/rfxDU >THE GENETIC TESTING company 23andMe confirmed on Friday that data from a subset of its users has been compromised. The company said its systems were not breached and that attackers gathered the data by guessing the login credentials of a group of users and then scraping more people’s information from a feature known as DNA Relatives. Users opt into sharing their information through DNA Relatives for others to see.
https://greekcitytimes.com/2023/10/10/israel-bombs-1160-years-old/ >Israeli bombs have hit the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza, according to reports. This church is formally under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem and is the oldest Cathedral of Gaza. The Christian community here goes back to 395 AD when it was part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
>Landlord allegedly demands rent from abducted Israeli woman, threatens to clear belongings before changing tune https://web.archive.org/web/20231013204933/https://nypost.com/2023/10/13/landlord-allegedly-demands-rent-from-abducted-israeli-woman/ https://archive.is/5pxmY
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>Israel has been funding Hamas >The goal is to drive a wedge between gaza and west bank palestinians https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://web.archive.org/web/20231015190150/https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/ https://archive.is/A7sC0 >Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas >t. Netanyahu https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/1711329340804186619 https://web.archive.org/web/20231013094643/https://twitter.com/haaretzcom/status/1711329340804186619 https://archive.is/Qfxb2 >Another poll found that 94 PER CENT of ISRAELIS believed the GOVERNMENT WAS TO BLAME FOR THE WAR and 59 per cent of them did not have faith in its ability to lead the country. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/29fcb360-6a02-11ee-a4e7-0fb10af55688?shareToken=efe44f0563c866021653ae93a2969be1 https://web.archive.org/web/20231016055513/https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/29fcb360-6a02-11ee-a4e7-0fb10af55688?shareToken=efe44f0563c866021653ae93a2969be1 https://archive.is/NRqIn
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>Court documents in the prosecution of Derek Chauvin show the public's extreme pressure on prosecutors over George Floyd's death, even when evidence didn't show damage to his neck. Far-left extremists promised bloodshed and terror attacks if Chauvin wasn't convicted. https://alphanews.org/court-docs-reveal-extreme-public-pressure-on-prosecutors-in-george-floyd-case/ https://web.archive.org/web/20231018141218/https://alphanews.org/court-docs-reveal-extreme-public-pressure-on-prosecutors-in-george-floyd-case/ https://archive.is/RUtVR
>Pitbull mauled 11-year-old in Artemis (GR) >Doctors found a hole in the 11-year-old's skull from the dog's teeth - The 11-year-old who was mauled by the pit bull in Artemida is in hospital. >An 11-year-old boy in Artemida fought to escape the teeth of a pit bull while riding his bike. The minor, who is out of danger, is being treated for injuries to his face and head, with doctors even spotting a hole in the boy's skull from the dog's tooth! >The attack happened while the 11-year-old was riding his bike and a dog, unknown how, had gotten out of the fence of a neighboring house. The dog lunged at him, bit him on the legs and threw him off the bike according to the statement given by the mother and then attempted to maul him.
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WE GOT OURSELVES A GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS! CAUSED BY SUB PRIME MORTGAGES AGAIN! https://archive.is/V4AU3 https://archive.is/TpBXS QRD: >Mr. Cooper was "hacked" on Oct. 31st and has been down for more than a week. >Mr. Cooper is the third largest mortgage servicer in the nation >It is leaked that Mr. Cooper was raided by the feds due to MASSIVE amounts of fraud >If this triggers new regulation it will cause a massive wave of buybacks on low quality loans >That means millions, tens of millions of units (Office Space, Apartment Buildings) sold quickly and cheaply >This will lead to a housing collapse which domino into a greater Global Financial Crisis similar to the Sub Prime Mortgage crisis of 2008 >Meridian Capital Raided by FBI as well on Nov 6th >Fannie Mae introduces new rules for Mortgage Brokers >Freddie Mac Blacklists Meridian Capital >CEO of Mr. Cooper found to have committed insider trading/fraud by selling 50k shares right before he announced the Data Breach and "hack" and then buying up more shares a few days later after the stock price had predictably dropped due to the news. Also >DTCC Doubles Margin Requirements for Mortgage Backed Securities (sound familiar?) https://archive.is/x5Hs8 >South Korea bans all short selling until June 2024 https://archive.is/vHEno >Governor of Federal Reserve Lisa Cook warns of the dangers and imminent disaster in real estate https://archive.is/jSkLW >WeWork declares bankruptcy on Nov 6th. https://archive.is/VQQ7W >ACH Outage first week of November (still affecting some people) https://archive.is/qVybU >Bank of Japan Outage in October 80B+ $ affected in accounts https://archive.is/VrA83 >More borrowed from FHLB than in 2008 crisis! https://archive.is/V4AU3 >I wonder if it is possible for the massive failure at MrCooper, for the ***** up to be so bad that someone managed to reroute wire transfer payoffs into their own account(s). >10 days is a long time for a major institutional level corporation to be just gone. No social media presence, not able to call them, not able to email them, total communication blackout for over a week from a company this huge is unheard of. >It is possible they are *****ed beyond repair. >If someone had rerouted those payoffs then that WOULD explain why MrCooper has been RADIO SILENT for nearly two weeks now but the only information we know for sure is that they desperately want you to deposit your payment through their "alternative temporary payment methods". Could it be that they actually regained control days or even a week ago and what they found was TENS OF BILLIONS of $$$ worth of rerouted payments? Could that be true? AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!! >Could this be a liquidity crisis? TOTAL MEDIA BLACKOUT!!
https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/b111niukzt https://archive.is/IIOLg >They are admitting it, but obviously framing it like was those naughty, devious Hamas bullyboys that meant that basically had to shoot everything that moved for several hours, so the blood of any jew that was killed by the IDF is on Hamas' hands. Jews can never do any wrong, obviously, and even if they do, it's not their fault, and even if it were, it's actually ok. waiting for this to turn out to be fake news
>In France, the author of the Stars of David in Paris was arrested: he is a 48-year-old Moldovan citizen, Anatoli Prizenko, who justified himself by saying that it was an initiative aimed at supporting the Jews of France and Europe. Prizenko explained that the initiative was carried out together with an organization of the European Jewish community, The Shield of David. https://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/francia-fermato-autore-stelle-david-parigi_72669892-202302k.shtml https://web.archive.org/web/20231110092424/https://www.tgcom24.mediaset.it/mondo/francia-fermato-autore-stelle-david-parigi_72669892-202302k.shtml
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>'We Operate 24/7': The Race to Preserve Israeli Soldiers' Sperm >During Israel's battle with Hamas in Gaza, the authorities have ramped up efforts to perform sperm utilization from fallen soldiers – and left the ethical questions for later https://archive.is/BuK3L
>A mainstream journalist and close friend of John Podesta, who bragged about ‘debunking’ Pizzagate, has been arrested on a sickening slew of ***** ***** charges. >Sohmer was previously celebrated for discussing *****uality with elementary *****. In a now-deleted article, far-left Buzzfeed wrote an article praising Sohmer regarding his conversation with a bunch of fourth graders. https://www.eutimes.net/2023/11/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-*****-*****/ https://web.archive.org/web/20231117194503/https://www.eutimes.net/2023/11/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-*****-*****/ https://archive.is/OF1Uz https://archive.is/vl4Si
>>1078 https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/john-podestas-friend-who-debunked-pizzagate-arrested-for-raping-toddlers/ https://web.archive.org/web/20180515172722/https://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanschocket2/people-are-touched-by-this-writers-conversation-with-a#.kn9m3Zvn2
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https://www.thejc.com/lets-talk/analysis/with-two-jews-in-the-countrys-top-jobs-what-is-next-for-ukraine-u223pbh6 https://web.archive.org/web/20231126051915/https://www.thejc.com/lets-talk/analysis/with-two-jews-in-the-countrys-top-jobs-what-is-next-for-ukraine-u223pbh6 https://archive.is/rS1f4
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>Zelensky CAUGHT buying $75 million luxury yacht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLGPYqHOP_w
https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.259110/gov.uscourts.dcd.259110.22.3.pdf DOJ gets search warrant for anyone who liked a Trump tweet
ONE DAY before the attack lots of stocks exchanged owners. Israeli companies in Gaza were mystically sold out of a sudden and 24 hours later they attack. https://www.friatider.se/storblankning-i-israel-dagarna-fore-7-oktober https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4652027
>Japan to release Fukushima water into ocean from Aug. 24 https://web.archive.org/web/20231112234231/https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-release-fukushima-water-into-ocean-starting-aug-24-2023-08-22/ https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-release-fukushima-water-into-ocean-starting-aug-24-2023-08-22/ >Mystery as thousands of tons of dead fish wash ashore in northern Japan https://www.themirror.com/news/world-news/mystery-thousands-tons-dead-fish-230811 https://web.archive.org/web/20231216204001/https://news.sky.com/story/thousands-of-dead-fish-mysteriously-wash-up-on-beach-in-japan-13025621 https://news.sky.com/story/thousands-of-dead-fish-mysteriously-wash-up-on-beach-in-japan-13025621
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DEVELOPING STORY >Chaos At 770: A chaotic scene at the Chabad headquarters in Crown Heights, after Bochurim ripped wooden panels to prevent a cement truck from sealing off the recently discovered tunnels. Rabbi Braun Condemns Bochurim’s Vandalism in 770. >Rabbi Yosef Braun, Rov of the Crown Heights Beis Din, condemned in the strongest words the bochurim who have breached the walls of 770. "Whose hand did not shake and tremble when they went and touched those walls, when they took a hammer to those walls?" >Chris Christie 24 Campaign Communications (Parody) @GovChristie24 >ENTIRE THREAD - For those wondering what the hell all of this is: (It’s not news worthy, but it’s good for clicks) The synagogue at 770 Eastern Pkwy, Brooklyn NY is the chabad lubavitch main synagogue and headquarters. (Chabad lubavitch is a chassidic sect). The last leader of said sect, who passed away in 1994, was passionate about expanding the synagogue for logistical reasons, but also for supposed spiritual reasons. The expansion never happened in his lifetime due to lack of funding and logistical problems. This is a group of ***** men who are the self proclaimed zealots of this sect. They kind of do whatever they feel is right. They recently dug an initial tunnel to kickstart the expansion, and have now started demolition to further the project. They do not own the building, nor did they have any permission to start this project. So the police were called to stop it. As you can see from the video, they like to get riled up and cause issues. As mentioned before, this is not American news, nor is it relevant to anyone outside of the sect (because honestly who cares). It’s not news, it’s just an “exciting” video for clicks. Carry on with your day. It’s got nothing to do with anybody or anything outside of the sect. It’s a stupid internal issue. Unless studying this particular sect is a passion of yours. Unless it collapses and takes tax payer dollars for emergency services. Another (Parody) account spreading truth. >Rizzlord @Rizzlord1988 >They're running an illegal foreskin chewing gum factory at best. >inkfizytor @inkfizytor >You probably could mention, that this sect foundation book “Tanya” by Schneerson, is the bestseller in Jewish religious book departament, and that it claims Goyim souls derive from daemons. Jewish religion is different from others - it’s a racist cult with satanic connotations. >I was born a leftie @Sher_Nazar00 >Yes, normal people build tunnels to “expand” buildings. Moron! https://twitter.com/FrumTikTok/status/1744521634826854482 https://web.archive.org/web/20240109020940/https://twitter.com/FrumTikTok/status/1744521634826854482 https://archive.is/T7Ilj https://collive.com/770-bochurim-breach-wall-to-prevent-tunnel-closure/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240109020147/https://collive.com/770-bochurim-breach-wall-to-prevent-tunnel-closure/ https://archive.is/1bMT4 https://crownheights.info/chabad-news/848574/breaking-tunnel-found-burrowed-under-womens-section-of-770-possibly-destabilizing-the-building/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240109063009/https://crownheights.info/chabad-news/848574/breaking-tunnel-found-burrowed-under-womens-section-of-770-possibly-destabilizing-the-building/ https://archive.is/iITPr
>Martin Luther King Jr ‘watched and laughed’ as woman was *****d, secret FBI recordings https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/martin-luther-king-*****-fbi-tapes-video-mlk-laugh-files-a8932206.html https://web.archive.org/web/20240113104721/https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/martin-luther-king-*****-fbi-tapes-video-mlk-laugh-files-a8932206.html https://archive.is/kNbiV
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/23/public-call-up-army-too-small/ https://archive.is/wHOmC
https://www.nydailynews.com/2013/03/11/report-vatican-owns-building-that-houses-cardinals-and-europes-biggest-gay-bathhouse/ https://web.archive.org/web/20230909211427/https://www.nydailynews.com/2013/03/11/report-vatican-owns-building-that-houses-cardinals-and-europes-biggest-gay-bathhouse/ https://archive.is/JXx71
https://news.usadailybrief.com/new-york-rabbi-arrested-for-selling-thousands-of-foreskins-on-craigslist/ https://web.archive.org/web/20220529153930/https://news.usadailybrief.com/new-york-rabbi-arrested-for-selling-thousands-of-foreskins-on-craigslist/ https://archive.is/4vupm
The European Union just dropped a new €50 BILLION ($55 BILLION USD) package for Ukraine! https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68165971
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>Four Armenian soldiers have been killed in a fire fight with Azeri forces on the two countries’ shared border, threatening to destabilise efforts to defuse a 30-year conflict. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/13/armenian-soldiers-killed-in-first-flare-up-since-start-of-peace-talks >Armenia says four soldiers have been killed and a fifth wounded, in the first flare-up of violence on the border with Azerbaijan since the two neighbours began talks on a peace deal. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68283041 >Armenian PM says Azerbaijan gearing up for "full-scale war" >Meanwhile, Azerbaijan's president reiterated his demand that Armenia change its constitution and rejected the presence of any mediators in the peace talks. >Following the latest escalation on the border with Azerbaijan on February 12-13 that resulted in the deaths of four Armenian soldiers, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has said he believes Baku is laying the groundwork for an invasion. https://eurasianet.org/armenian-pm-says-azerbaijan-gearing-up-for-full-scale-war
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68392233 https://news.sky.com/story/three-women-killed-in-austrian-brothel-13079922 >A 27-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan was arrested in the vicinity of the brothel while carrying a knife after the women were found with "cuts and stab wounds".
THE WPATH FILES Advocates of gender-affirming care say it’s evidence-based. But now, newly released internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical. American Medical Association, The Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and thousands of doctors worldwide rely on WPATH. It is considered the leading global authority on gender medicine. And yet WPATH’s internal files, which include written discussions and a video, reveal that its members know they are creating victims and not getting “informed consent.” Victims include a 10-year-old girl, a 13-year-old developmentally delayed adolescent, and individuals suffering from schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. The injuries described in the WPATH Files include sterilization, loss of *****ual function, liver tumors, and death. WPATH members indicate repeatedly that they know that many *****ren and their parents don’t understand the effects that puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries will have on their bodies. And yet, they continue to perform and advocate for gender medicine. The WPATH Files prove that gender medicine is comprised of unregulated and pseudoscientific experiments on *****ren, adolescents, and vulnerable adults. It will go down as one of the worst medical scandals in history. https://twitter.com/shellenberger/status/1764799914918490287 https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1764799914918490287.html https://environmentalprogress.org/big-news/wpath-files
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>Massachusetts investigators pursue six 8th graders who created a mock slave auction on Snapchat https://apnews.com/article/snapchat-*****s-mock-slave-auction-c93d7d43b988549dd5e8888fe0fbdf45 https://archive.is/1Dp6F
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https://apnews.com/article/south-africa-johannesburg-water-crisis-weather-fa8c921c6a063a31aec37e05864d61fb https://web.archive.org/web/20240321093829/https://apnews.com/article/south-africa-johannesburg-water-crisis-weather-fa8c921c6a063a31aec37e05864d61fb https://archive.is/9bhPd
https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says https://archive.is/tE08p
https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/03/13/brooklyn-man-in-coma-for-7-years-after-sucker-punch-attack-dies/ https://web.archive.org/web/20240314014003/https://www.nydailynews.com/2024/03/13/brooklyn-man-in-coma-for-7-years-after-sucker-punch-attack-dies/ https://archive.is/sK16b
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-strikes-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant-power-unit-dome-russian-installed-2024-04-07/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/07/europe/russian-controlled-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-reactor-damaged-following-drone-attack/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/08/world/europe/ukraine-nuclear-power-plant-russia.html https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68757082
>Forbes DELETES article from DEI expert claiming Trump will be more appealing to black voters after surviving shooting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13634587/Forbes-Trump-shooting-DEI-shaun-Harper-black-voters.html >Forbes deletes article claiming it is not 'unthinkable' Trump may use shooting to reach Black voters https://www.foxnews.com/media/forbes-deletes-article-claiming-not-unthinkable-trump-may-use-shooting-reach-black-voters >Will Surviving Gunfire Be Donald Trump’s Next Appeal To Black Voters? https://archive.today/wtt71
