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Anonymous 05/14/2022 (Sat) 22:19:43 No. 295
buffalo shooter
https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/08/*****-in-desert-compound-trained-to-commit-school-shootings.html https://archive.ph/1OOqJ
more like boogaloo shooter amirite
>massive bombshells on the 2020 election released >billions of tax dollars going to Ukraine war >biden admin at the center of so many of US citizen's problems >possible huge increase of illegal immigrants soon >hunter's laptop released >clinton case heating up >Ds in deep shit for 2022 and 24 so far >twitter is in deep shit >roe v wade >maybe 10% of the population is taking COVID seriously anymore, another 30% want something done about the government ***** >little to no talk about Maxwell's case >rising crime rates, not to mention gun crime in gun free zones, and drug ***** in CERTAIN areas >gun support happens to be primarily right wing >suddenly LOOK OVER HERE A MASS SHOOTING Feds are getting really excited exploiting the situation to expand their surveillance state and erode liberties more
https://archive.ph/1r6am https://buffalonews.com/news/local/authorities-investigating-if-retired-federal-agent-knew-of-buffalo-mass-shooting-plans-in-advance/article_bd408f18-dd39-11ec-be53-df8fdd095d6f.html
>School shooter desperately tried to have ***** weeks ago, always got turned down Turns out he was on a social app called Yubo trying to ask girls out and then threatened to ***** them after they turned him down. >"During one livestream, Amanda Robbins, 19, said Ramos verbally threatened to break down her door and ***** and murder her after she rebuffed his *****ual advances. She said she witnessed Ramos threaten other girls with similar 'acts of *****ual assault and violence.' Robbins, who said she lives in California and only ever interacted with Ramos online, told CNN she reported him to Yubo several times and blocked his account, but continued seeing him in livestreams making lewd comments," >"Hannah, an 18-year-old Yubo user from Ontario, Canada, said she reported Ramos to Yubo in early April after he threatened to shoot up her school and ***** and kill her and her mother during one livestream session. Hannah said Ramos was allowed back on the platform after a temporary ban," the network reported. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10862893/Uvalde-gunman-threatened-*****s-school-shootings-social-media-app-Yubo-weeks-massacre.html >incels every time except this time it's also a tranny but elliot would have been an ok tranny too
https://edition.cnn.com/2017/11/29/politics/aby-rayyan-fbi-terror-sting-pizza-man/index.html https://archive.ph/ffUW1
I am searching for the full livestreams of the tops buffalo shooting and the Christchurch Mosque shooting. Does anybody know where one could find those recordings of those streams unedited?
>>889 maybe
