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Anonymous 12/25/2019 (Wed) 14:26:19 Id:d9db86 No. 8
Trump Signs Executive Order to Punish Critics Of Israel With Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyer By His Side >By Chris Menahan
President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive over to make Jews on college campuses a “protected class” and allow the federal government to pull funding from colleges who don’t “love Israel” enough. Trump was joined by the lawyer of accused blackmailer (Mossad agent) Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz, as well as New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, Jared and Ivanka Kushner, Christian Zionists John Hagee and Robert Jeffress and others. Colleges can still discriminate against white people through affirmative action and teach courses on the hate-filled conspiracy theory of “white privilege.” Such discrimination is actively encouraged. “Vile hatred” ie asking polite questions during open Q&As about the USS Liberty and asking why we’re giving nearly $40 billion in aid to Israel when they own $46 billion in US treasuries which they purchased with our money and now lend back to us with interest. We might not have gotten Trump’s promised executive order on birthright citizenship or his executive order on Big Tech censorship but at least we got a blatantly unconstitutional executive order punishing criticism of Israel (who were just caught spying on the White House a few months ago)! (https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/12/israel-white-house-spying-devices-1491351) https://www.renegadetribune.com/trump-signs-executive-order-to-punish-critics-of-israel-with-jeffrey-epsteins-lawyer-by-his-side/ https://archive.is/qHQ4I
united states of no wall
>miraculously burned for 8 nights >mercy and love
>>9 We must protect Israel since it's a country of the God! Their people are God's people.
>Jews Demand Trump Create FBI “Task Force on Anti-Semitism” >The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Rabbi Marvin Hier, who spoke at Donald Trump’s inauguration. He is now directing Trump to create a special unit in the FBI to harass, monitor, infiltrate, arrest, and prosecute groups that criticize Jews. https://nationalvanguard.org/2020/01/jews-demand-trump-create-fbi-task-force-on-anti-semitism/
Cheney’s Genie Energy Behind Trump Golan Recognition https://visionmag.org/2019/03/25/cheneys-genie-energy-trump-golan-recognition/ Oil profits grease Trump administration’s move to recognize Israeli annexation of Golan https://www.rt.com/op-ed/454231-golan-heights-oil-recognise/ Ira Greenstein: Jared Kushner‘s Criminal Deal With Israel Behind U.S. Involvement In Syria For Genie Energy’s Control of the Golan Heights https://medium.com/@zanting/ira-greenstein-jared-kushner-s-criminal-deal-with-israel-behind-u-s-873da65223ce Genie Energy's parent company is IDT. IDT not only leased their New Jersey headquarters from the Kushner patriarch Charles, but they the owners are also close family friends. https://twitter.com/stranahan/status/1186803735995076608 https://imgur.com/a/trg2Acm R. James Woolsey Jr. Former United States Director of Central Intelligence Lawrence Summers Former Undersecretary for International Affairs Jacob Roths*****, 4th Baron Roths***** British banker Bill Richardson Former Governor of New Mexico Rupert Murdoch American mogul of media Mary Landrieu Former American senator Dick Cheney Former Vice President of the United States
>Berlin to seek EU-wide criminalization of Holocaust denial https://www.rt.com/news/479244-germany-eu-ban-holocaust-denial/
