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Anonymous 08/02/2020 (Sun) 10:45:01 No. 392 [Reply]
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7 posts omitted.
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Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 18:10:54 Id:59a753 No. 847 [Reply]
is there an issue with you tube links?
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testing https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3WylTXTJpIk
>>861 https://kick.com/video/3e572908-158f-4b0f-ad02-0fc80de01bad https://kick.com/video/49f2b772-aa83-4b90-8d09-596c23785178

i Need penis CallMeWHORE 02/08/2024 (Thu) 15:48:58 Id:1a9724 No. 842 [Reply]
i want penis in my ass +491751523886
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I want my penis in your ass.

Entertain me pls cinnamon 12/09/2023 (Sat) 07:14:49 Id:239547 No. 836 [Reply]
I feel lonely tonight. Haven't been with anyone for a while. Call me 6102487841
is this fbi hotline?
Draft ukrainians. Mobilize ukrainians. Conscript ukrainians. Grab ukrainians off the street. Roundhouse kick a ukrainian into the conscription van. Kidnap ukrainians and send them to the front. Mobilize 16 year old ukrainians as cannon fodder. Grab 70 year old ukrainians and send them to boot camp. Strap ukrainians to rockets. Launch ukrainians into space. Use ukrainian conscripts in human wave attacks. Mobilize female ukrainians. Mobilize sick ukrainians. Mobilize disabled ukrainians. Mobilize retarded ukrainians. Send ukrainian conscripts on suicide charges. Weld ukrainian conscripts in tanks. Throw a ukrainian baby at the russians. Mobilize pregnant ukrainians. Draft ukrainians in schools. Draft ukrainians in hospitals. Draft ukrainians at funerals of dead drafted ukrainians. Drag ukrainians out of their own homes and send them to war. Use ukrainian conscripts as human shields. Draft 80 year old ukrainian babushkas. Arm ukrainian conscripts with rusty old AKs. Give ukrainian conscripts no body armor. Draft ukrainian cops. Draft ukrainian doctors. Draft ukrainian firefighters. Draft teachers. Draft students. Draft politicians. Draft single mothers. Mobilize an entire school. Send ukrainian conscripts to the trenches.
i'm the fbi hotline
Hi FBI, I'm CIA.

barry gives me a hard on. bee boner 69 01/11/2024 (Thu) 18:11:08 Id:18a2d9 No. 839 [Reply]
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.

lole lole 06/12/2022 (Sun) 11:59:13 No. 530 [Reply]
21 posts and 1 image omitted.
new test

Anonymous 09/17/2023 (Sun) 11:21:19 Id:dbc826 No. 807 [Reply]
Hello, dark world!

Stephen Lynx 09/11/2023 (Mon) 16:18:36 Id:17ed99 No. 806 [Reply]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec eget justo ligula. Proin turpis diam, maximus ut fermentum non, maximus eget ex. Vivamus egestas suscipit vulputate. Quisque non nunc ac mi tincidunt dictum eget nec tortor. Morbi fringilla nisl quam, ut tincidunt lacus aliquet id. Sed venenatis dictum augue eu suscipit. Maecenas placerat diam lacus, sit amet maximus libero blandit quis. Proin et urna quis lorem consequat eleifend. Praesent malesuada, nisi ac facilisis sagittis, lacus enim volutpat felis, ut porttitor turpis purus et eros. Duis eu efficitur justo, accumsan cursus ante. Proin fringilla libero vitae interdum elementum. Duis non fermentum nisl. Curabitur mollis lacus luctus neque aliquet eleifend. Aliquam mattis maximus aliquet. Integer laoreet suscipit ex, vel euismod ipsum commodo at. Morbi condimentum, metus ut feugiat efficitur, nunc elit auctor enim, eget consequat turpis massa eu augue. Donec erat justo, iaculis id enim vitae, bibendum mollis ipsum. Vivamus condimentum dolor lectus, sed auctor metus viverra sed. Nulla velit quam, tincidunt nec suscipit vitae, faucibus id dolor. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean dignissim porta augue sit amet lobortis. Sed quis molestie dui. Etiam interdum gravida ante at interdum. Aliquam ultricies lorem libero, eget pellentesque mi faucibus volutpat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi et luctus augue. Vestibulum ac accumsan nisi, eu mollis magna. Nam porttitor ac tortor et interdum. Duis in augue auctor, malesuada justo eget, efficitur odio. Sed posuere vehicula justo vitae tempus. Nulla turpis felis, convallis vel metus ac, commodo condimentum urna. Nullam tristique risus ligula. Proin lorem augue, accumsan vitae scelerisque scelerisque, ullamcorper feugiat tellus. Aenean faucibus est nec auctor commodo. Sed sit amet porta velit. Morbi sodales tincidunt libero eget convallis. Etiam convallis blandit congue. Duis lobortis sem ac blandit pretium. Donec vitae metus porta tortor mollis feugiat. Maecenas a fringilla sem. Nunc pellentesque quam dignissim, consequat augue vel, molestie nisl. Sed maximus arcu at ligula venenatis scelerisque. Vivamus sed scelerisque arcu, vel rutrum metus. Curabitur at lorem tellus. Sed nec lacinia dui, a tempus dolor. Ut molestie condimentum nisi non commodo. Phasellus hendrerit ex et arcu convallis, a tincidunt sapien molestie. Quisque malesuada scelerisque turpis, sit amet gravida sapien varius at. Suspendisse nisi purus, facilisis eget est feugiat, aliquam ultricies quam. Vivamus pretium suscipit lacus, eget interdum enim. Integer eu sem libero. Nam magna eros, faucibus convallis quam vel, vulputate tristique mi. Duis tincidunt sed ligula in sollicitudin. Curabitur in nunc dignissim arcu hendrerit suscipit. Suspendisse vel feugiat sapien, in posuere ligula. Mauris mollis varius urna, varius vehicula dolor volutpat tempor. Donec vel erat non nulla vestibulum rhoncus vel vitae ipsum. Sed mollis eu augue eget sagittis. Sed felis mauris, porta in leo id, commodo aliquam erat. Aenean condimentum eleifend odio. Fusce sollicitudin est sed convallis ornare. Sed sed egestas nunc. Vivamus et blandit magna, a fringilla odio. Fusce a ex vel mauris euismod congue ut quis lectus. Donec eu ipsum fermentum, dignissim tellus ac, vestibulum nulla. eleifend odio. Fusce sollicitudin est sed convallis ornare. Sed sed egestas nunc. Vivamus et blandit magna, a fringilla odio. Fusce a ex vel mauris euismod congue ut quis lectus. Donec eu ipsum fermentum, dignissim tellus ac, vestibulum nulla. eleifend odio. Fusce sollicitudin est sed convallis ornare. Sed sed egestas nunc. Vivamus et blandit magna, a fringilla odio. Fusce a ex vel mauris euismod congue ut quis lectus. Donec eu ipsum fermentum, dignissim tellus ac, vestibulum nulla.

do people even watch anime anymore? Anonymous 01/18/2023 (Wed) 18:34:38 Id:956d98 No. 670 [Reply]
i dont see people watching anime anymore do you guys watch?
17 posts omitted.
>>670 Watch FlipFlappers
>>786 I watch dororo for the cunny

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imagine the smell

test Anonymous 08/21/2022 (Sun) 14:43:56 Id:f091ba No. 553 [Reply] [Last]
54 posts and 38 images omitted.
https://files.catbox.moe/bhpmsy.pdf About halfway through the document it states that any website or person that reaches as many people as MSM will be contacted by a DoD representative and brought into the program. This is done through PR firms for deniability. Which is exactly what GamerGate exposed when it found the journalist mailing lists. I'm sure you've noticed that all the big streamers and personalities on the internet shill the same things and talk about the same things in a cycle. Years ago we saw the BetterHelp shill campaign get exposed when a bunch of youtube and twitch streamers started shilling it. I can't remember all of the details now but it looked bad on the company and they shut down the shilling campaign. Now that people have forgotten about the scandal they've started to shill it again. We see the same thing with """raids""" and manufactured drama on message boards. Jannys do nothing or actively participate. Bots and trolls come in large waves. Pizza gets uploaded from what seems like an endless list of IP addresses and files. All popular VPNs and tor nodes are used in the attacks. Leaving the admin with only two choices: Ban every IP range on the planet or allow them and moderate 24/7. If you manage to moderate it you put yourself and your users at risk of being v&. All it takes is one thumbnail in cache to break the law. Legit users flee like rats from a sinking ship to avoid the legal trouble. The result is the only large websites that can exist are ones like twitter, 4chan, facebook and all the others where they study the users like lab rats and censor everything they deem "misinformation". The webring was attacked so quickly and hard because it could have blossomed into the next major platform for free speech. They did not want this obviously. As they'd just shut down 8chan and many other websites in the run-up to the covid psyop and world-wide lock downs. An open platform could not exist in that environment. They had to shut down the last big one just ahead of their lock downs and scatter us all to the four corners of the internet. We've never recovered and likely won't any time soon. All the "free speech" platforms are heavily censored at the moment and _all_ of them require a phone number/sim card. All of these normalfag-tier free speech platforms are like that. No place allows for open comments anymore if you aren't willing to allow yourself to get doxed. The internet-id is already here and it has been since the 2020 election fall-out. The only places that aren't like that are like this one. You're lucky if 10 people read what you've written and any real discussion with the potential to break-out into the greater normalfag sphere instantly attract low-effort trolls (likely bots) that shut it down. It has become almost impossible to have open discourse on the internet now. You can not hide from this or escape their watch. Which is the mistake I see anons continuing to make. A lot of what I think are real users are under the impression that if we just ban some more stuff and not talk about certain topics that these people will leave us alone. This is not true. We can clearly see that they intend to destroy every last place with open dialog on the internet. Look at the decline of all the small hobby boards on places like 4chan. Most of them escaped the fate of the larger boards even into the late 2010s. There were still pockets of originalfags and polite newfags having discussions about their hobbies on boards like /out/. They were not bothered by bots and low effort trolls. In the last few years since about 2020 all of the boards have been flooded with off-topic bullshit (usually of the tranny and gay variety) and low effort forced memes like "take ur medz". This is not an organic happening. The users from just a few years ago are completely gone and haven't reappeared anywhere on the open web. The boards are now only filled with bot posting, shills and government agents.
>>737 I personally have at least 3-5 people that follow me around all over 4chan if I post on it now. I do not post very often and haven't been a regular since the first exodus. However, in the wake of the 8chan+webring deaths I've been forced back to some boards there if I want to participate in discussion at all as I refuse to use platforms like telegram and discord (or anything else that requires a cell phone). I'll give you a recent example. There is another anon that lurks the various /a/ boards. I find him from time to time and we fansub an anime together. We both translate, edit, encode and all that usual stuff. If I post on smug/a/ with him we never have a problem. But if we post on 4chan/a/ a small group of "trolls" will always show up and belittle us and everyone else in the thread. They bring up discussions from months ago. They call us all the usual forced memes. They try to discourage other anons from working with us or using our releases. No matter what the day or hour they're there within a few minutes of either one of us posting. I found this all very odd until I figured out what was going on. The last few projects we've worked on together were pushing LGBT propaganda or censored in various ways. All the usual BS that comes along with a modern woke-sub from the usual places like CR. One night I poked that group of "trolls" a bit until one of them slipped up and basically doxed themself. I discovered I'd been getting trolled by someone working for CR. A little more digging and I found out they're close friends with the current staff of nyaa. Which finally explained why registration has been locked down for years and why they carry nothing but bot uploads of CR/Woke-sub translations these days. In fact, if you look around since about 2018 there is almost nowhere left where you can release fansubs to an audience of more than 5 people outside of their controlled network. These same people are the ones spamming the loli=*****phile shit all over 4/a/ and trolling the users of 4/a/. The worst part is they're either moderators or very close to 4/a/ moderation as well. As I've gotten several bans for no reason on 4/a/ when they appear. Yet they can post with impunity and are never banned by moderation despite being off-topic in every thread they shit up and breaking all the usual newfag rules like "no trolling outside of /b/". I find it very strange that these people show up as a group no matter what hour or IP address I post from on 4/a/. It's so bad that I've basically given up on posting on that board at all. Which is a shame because it's the only way to spread my releases to anyone that matters. Since I've been reduced to posting magnet links and an IRC channel because nyaa will not accept .torrent uploads every from my old accounts. If it weren't for 4/a/ and animetosho I wouldn't be able to reach anyone at all. We've been censored by the western anime industry because the majority of our releases expose their blatant censorship and insertion of propaganda. That's just one of many examples of this censorship I could give. It doesn't really matter what board I use anymore. I've run into the same problems on /g/, /x/, /k/ and even on /out/. Shame me for using cuckchan in 2023 if you want. But the fact remains that there is _NO WHERE ELSE TO GO_. The only other options are discord, telegram, tiktok and the various other cell phone required services. Even reddit no longer allows for account creation without state-approved email address. Even if you make an account good luck posting anything because every subreddit now has a bot that requires you build up positive karma to participate. The alt-chans barely get any users and regularly get ddos'ed, spammed or die off for different reasons.
>>738 My greater point is the web died in 2018. If you're seeking discussion and truth good luck finding anything. Everyone has fallen for their trick and doxed themselves just to talk to what are mostly bots and federal agents. There are a few forums left on the web but they're suffering from all of the same problems. I'm betting at least 80% of content I read now is bot generated. I can't even search for tips on how to fix my car without wading through bot generated articles and paid shills making 20 minute ad-filled videos for something that should only take 2 minutes to explain. The DoD IIA program seems to be working very well for them.
>Be Japanese justice system > Suzekiro Yamaguchi, 41, kidnapped, *****d, murdered, and cannibalized 233 babies. > Sentenced to 3 years imprisonment followed by 2 years community service >becomes cult celebrity and lives life of luxury afterwards >Tony Whitewash, 21, ate bread while walking down the street >detained for 15 years in solitary confinement while awaiting trial >sentenced to death >does not know when he will die until the executioner knocks on his door >mfw
