>I was specifically explaining the dynamic between hapa parents
Racial and cultural aspects are not a major factor for most people who get married, rather social and economic factors are more prevalent. Of course you enforce your views of race everywhere in your mindset, because it is ingrained into your worldview.
>But your German lineage is gone. Any random white person on the street is genetically closer to me than you are to your own father.
I inherited my father's unique set of genes that no other person has. Being 50 or 100 percent European does not change this fact. Your black and white worldview is showing again, viewing genetics as a singular factor, rather than a complex process. I can take a DNA test, and my father's unique set of DNA will show, and uniquely identify him as my father.
Tell me, at what distance of genetic difference between parents invalidates their offspring as "proper" descendants of their ancestors? At what point is lineage somehow destroyed? When one parent doesn't fit your stance of "white", because that's what you support politically, right? Gotcha. To be fair, I came to /pol/, and not a certified expert to explain this to me.
>you are rootless cosmpolitans. A citizen of everywhere and nowhere
I have German roots and Han roots, with traces of Polish on my father's side. I have an identity, I know who I am. Just because I am not descended from entire "white" stock doesn't invalidate my ancestry. Retard.
>this is a curse given specifically to you and other mixed people who have been severed from their ancestors
That was not the point I was making. I was saying no strong identity comes from what others, who are not like you, call you. To know your identity, you must name yourself, who you are, and not find yourself through labels created by people who are of different ethnicites than you. You call yourself "white", therefore you are "white".
>Perhaps you also want us to be ethnically replaced?
Not at all, by the broadest terms of your definition at least. I love Europeans because it is in my blood. I love Europeans because I love myself and I love my father. This is not a sentiment of self-hatred or any "inferiority complex, i don't wish I was any different than what I am, and where my ancestors come from. I am sympathetic towards people like you, who are driven to extreme worldviews because you feel rejected by society. Society should listen to everyone, and not reject a certain peoples with beliefs and treat them as outcasts. I am sure some of you are genuinely good people, but you have been led astray. It doesn't bother me when you lash out at me, you are upset, and some people in life will just dislike you no matter what you do, some people can't be appeased. I can't help that, but I can try to help you. I'd like it if this hatred didn't have to come between us, but ultimately I can't change you fundamentally, so this matter is out of my control, and I have to accept that. But that doesn't mean I have to harbor harsh feelings against you, that I can't have compassion for you. I understand you hate it when you have to denounce your own ancestors and cut yourselves off from your culture and history, I hate it too, I love my ancestors and my heritage.
>pic related
This sums up everything wrong with a lot of people who are European and East Asian. They are not proud of their heritage, and adopt artificially made social constructs that should not exist. I seek to change this. I want more than anything to help them, I want to tell each one of them they should love and respect themselves, their parents, and of course their ancestors. And I want to change the way we interact with people like you, to not hate Euro-centrists, because their motive is out of compassion for their heritage, and lashing out at society for rejecting them, we should be compassionate to them because we have European heritage too, and at least listen and try to understand them like decent men and women. On behalf of people like me, I am sorry things have to be this way between us. But it doe