Interesting article from a self aware jew about the danger of using muslim goyim against white goyim
>We Jews love our golems. We’ve been loving our golems for thousands of years. There’s no one single version of the story, and each retelling might alter certain details, but the unchanging basic narrative is this: Jews are being threatened by Gentiles (no, really?), so a rabbi obsessed with protecting his people builds a giant humanoid monster out of clay (or mud) and brings it to life to defend his beloved shtetl (or village, or kosher deli).
>Once the main threat has been defeated, the rabbi, in his lust for vengeance, can’t stop using his golem to right real or imagined wrongs. Soon enough, the golem starts attacking Jews. The monster has now turned its ire on the very people it was built to serve, and the rabbi is forced to battle his own creation.
>Get the irony? The hellish creature the Jews conjure for their salvation ends up turning on them. A people blinded by fear and paranoia create a demon that metastasizes and grows beyond their control. It’s been four thousand years. Can we please finally start acting like we’ve learned the lesson of that story?
>For decades, leftist Jews have been the biggest boosters of flooding the West with Third World immigrants. “Hey, here’s a plan—let’s dump a hundred thousand Somalis in the whitest parts of the U.S. That’ll save us from Fargo Hitler!” Inundating the West with nonwhite immigrants is seen by Jews as an insurance policy against “white supremacy.” The idea is that these immigrants will act as a wedge, diluting “white power” while remaining small enough in numbers to be manageable.
>for people who pride themselves on having an abnormally high IQ, we Jews can be among the most retarded of geniuses, because that strategy no longer works.
>And now we Jews, so worried that Minnesota might become the Frozen Fourth Reich if left in the hands of evil whites, have created for ourselves a good old-fashioned golem in Ilhan Omar (and a bunch of other Third World freshman congressthingies). Yeah, Omar hates whites. Yeah, she thinks “white supremacy” lurks behind every glass of milk and “OK” finger sign. But she hates Jews a hell of a lot more. And here are my people—my brilliant retards—now forced to defeat the monster they created, a monster not only brought about by Jewish-backed policies, but one that mirrors Jewish rhetoric like a pro.
>The reaction of Muslims to the New Zealand shooting has been fascinating to observe. The exploitation of the tragedy, the calls for censorship and suppression of political views, the guilting of “all whites” over something one dude did…Jews could not have done a better job. “The student has become the teacher.”
>Muslim terrorists murdered twenty Filipino Christians as they attended services in their church two months ago, and do you recall the response from local Muslim leaders? Was it “We must address the anti-Christian bigotry in our community?” Or “We must stand in solidarity with our Christian countrymen?” Nope. It was “Well, to stop us from killing more Christians, let us carve a Muslim-only autonomous region in the country.” That’s literally like whites responding to the New Zealand massacre by saying, “Well, the solution is to keep New Zealand white and Christian. If we don’t have to mix, we won’t have any more race- or religion-based mass shootings.”
>How do you think the media would have responded to that? Or the U.N.? Or most Western politicians? But in fact, the world response (and the response from media organs like CNN and the BBC) to the Muzz demand was essentially “Yes! Yes! Give them an autonomous region, so that they needn’t mix with those damn Christians.”
>This is a point that bears repeating: A white Christian kills a bunch of Muslims in New Zealand, and the response is “More diversity! More mixing! Force them damn intolerant whiteys to get along, or jail their asses as racists.” Muslims in the Philippines massacre a bunch of Christians, and the response is “Let the Muslims be autonomou