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lol lol 08/04/2024 (Sun) 11:27:23 No. 279 [Reply]

Mad at the Internet highlights Anonymous 07/23/2022 (Sat) 09:43:46 No. 21 [Reply]
Things you *me* find funny on the weekly broadcast dedicated to insane and fat people on the Internet.
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on lesbians and gays
https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-131-who-is-stalking-the-twitch https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/dropkiwifarms-part-2-the-psychotic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM8ZJeJq60o
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https://vk.com/video512461907_456239166 00 54 00
>>>/n/1131 https://vk.com/video512461907_456239167 19 40

Reformed Soynic Anonymous 08/31/2022 (Wed) 09:04:05 No. 17 [Reply] [Last]
schizo virgin accomplished writer philosopher and drummer stalked by the mailman https://youtu.be/QNrmfx3Mdps https://youtu.be/vQPs9WBrJAQ https://youtu.be/a75pVAJagow
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>Vegas arc
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Harassed by the Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak and Bryan Horn.

redditors Anonymous 05/01/2024 (Wed) 05:21:07 No. 273 [Reply]
lol @ redditards
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how it started >Hickory is home! After a decent introduction to Honey, we took him home. Honey was only slightly annoying to him as she yodeled loudly in his face for the first 30 minutes she met him. So, here he is! Hickory the Hippo! https://old.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/comments/1ceklyc/welp_my_husband_brought_his_first_dog_home_to_stay/ how it's going >Hickory bit honey. I had just gone into my bedroom to take a nap. My husband and two sons were in the living room with the dogs. The dogs were fine. Then my daughter came home. Honey immediately ran to greet her, as did Hickory. The next thing I heard was a dog screaming and my husband screaming, “NO!! NO!! STOP!!” I ran out, and Hickory had Honey by the head. Right as I got to them, he shook her. I put pressure behind his jaw and he immediately let go of her and backed away. I had both dogs by the collar and told my husband to take Hickory to another part of the house away from Honey while I assessed her wounds. Two punctures on her ear lobe, and a puncture on her cheek. We called the vet and got instructions to care for her. The dogs are separated in different areas of the house, with strict instructions about who is to play with him, because we have a 5 year old ***** who is obsessed with him. We are flabbergasted. The meet and greet with them went well. We contacted a friend of ours who runs a pit rescue. We DO NOT want to take him back to the kill shelter. I *****ing feel HORRIBLE. I feel like I failed Hickory, Honey, my family, and the shelter. I’m literally sick about it. https://web.archive.org/web/20240428072930/https://old.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/comments/1ceprr6/that_was_horribly_shortlived_and_i_feel_horrible/ https://old.reddit.com/r/velvethippos/comments/1ceprr6/that_was_horribly_shortlived_and_i_feel_horrible/

penises i love it CallMeWHORE 02/08/2024 (Thu) 15:53:02 No. 266 [Reply]
show me all. penis. ass. sperms +491751523886
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>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth
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>>267 tuckerclown interview

little sister Anonymous 10/16/2023 (Mon) 23:07:32 No. 262 [Reply]
shes so hot

AI memes Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 05:05:25 No. 249 [Reply]
Post what you got
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No to ***** No to ***** 09/03/2023 (Sun) 18:58:01 No. 245 [Reply]
I hate gays because they are violating the right era #No_to_gays #No #to #gays #*****
***** makes you gay or a tranny

Anonymous 09/02/2023 (Sat) 19:19:39 No. 244 [Reply]
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IHATE ninjas wsassu ninja 04/21/2023 (Fri) 18:39:25 No. 109 [Reply]
please kill all ninjas
literally who?
