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General question for Stephen Lynx Anonymous 08/21/2021 (Sat) 22:29:09 No. 2886
Just an unimportant question. I was wondering if you are planning to incorporate rust or go into lynx future versions? Supposedly rust and node.js is one hell of a great pair--- rust being incredibly secure and really top level (although rust is annoyingly difficult to learn) As far as GO- some other ppl have used it with node for imageboards. Damn, go is fast. I set up go boards like fchan.xyz and gochan.org and loaded them with tons of images, and on tor, the go pages load way daster than lynxchan. The go pages are instant on tor- lynxchan is fast but its interesting the browser says loading the pics (bottom left of browser) and it seems slower in all cases than a go board. NOT knocking lynxchan at all of course-- the go boards seem to load images faster BUT the go boards do not have any customization - where lynxchan has TONS of customization avail to the user. The other imageboards are like 1990 where Lynxchan is 2021 for sure. Nothing wrong with node js- I was just wondering if you ever think future versions may include some rust or go along with the node stuff. Thanks.
>>2886 No. I have zero concerns about runtime performance at this moment. On a web server the biggest performance bottleneck is IO, so any gain you make from your runtime is absolutely negligible. And you might not even get a performance gain in the end, because of the underlying libraries, see https://github.com/dotchev/rest-bench .
>>2887 cool, thanks! and thanks 4 the link. I dont know what 2 study, go or node js (rust is way too hard)
>>2889 I would use node. Go is just a weird hybrid that doesn't fit any particular niche very well.
>>2890 Interesting, thanks!
>>2890 go is annoying at first, but they say for ppl like you who know node js, you could learn go in like 2 days!!!! Ive read lots like how uber switched from node.js to go and go helped handle the extreme loads of millions of map pings an hour. Node.js is really cool to be sure - but pair it with go or rust and its crazy good capable of extreme loads. AND its ironic, node.js isnt supposed to be great at image handling (image processing) but rust and go can do it fine.Looking in the long term, if you used rust or go along with node then you would have a really cool imageboard. I kno you already do lol but it would be even better.
>>2890 dam.... so i loaded 100 images on ghostblog, then 100 images on a simple go server (about 2 paragraphs of code). In tor and on regular browser, the go loads it way faster. Go is really insane...you get the speed of c or c++ --- well, to be exact just under the speed of c++ but dam.... Okay, if ur already experienced than go is supposed to be absurdly easy to learn..it seems a goos path for you. You are a node js expert to be sure, why not add go to your abilities? It seems to be a path of least effort with the most gain.
okay one last post, you gotta see this tho. ///////// package main import ( "log" "net/http" ) func main() { fs := http.FileServer(http.Dir("./static")) http.Handle("/", fs) log.Println("Listening on :8080...") err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } ////////// the above code is a .go file. Name it like main.go, the compile it into a standalone executable by "go build main.go" then run the executable with "./main" or "go run main" Jesus, this is cool. You make a directory called /static and then ANY files or even entire directories that you put into the static dir show up!!!! your browser lands on a page that just lists whatever you have in your static dir, it will list the files or even directories in the static directory. You CAN hot swap... keep the go prog running and add files or directories to the /static directory and refresh the browser and the new files or directories show up!!!!!!!! That is insane functionality for a couple lines of code. Like WOW.
>>2921 sry, forgot to say, the above code is the ENTIRE server too!!!!!
you had the images cached after the first load
>>2924 no, browser set to delete everything when browser closes.
>>2924 besides the browser settings i also coded in a ipconfig flushdns upon browser close, so it is serious legit testing. I did it on kali linux
Lynxchan is a battle hardened work of art... but someday a go or rust app will have even more performance and reliability. This could be anywhere from 2 days to 20 years, and even THEN lynchan will be a tie for 1st place or come in 2nd.
>>2927 meguca is go
>>2928 yep, i noticed that. Go is GREAT for small simple apps, but for larger apps the lack of experience and the complexity grows.... so far no one has made a really cool larger go imageboard. And relying on docker is annoying too... its hard to let the app distinguish itself when its ran on docker.
>>2928 >meguca actually... meguca runs on a lot (too much crap) Go >=1.13 (for building server) Node.js >=12.0 (for building client) Rust >= 1.41 C11 compiler
How the ***** does Lynxchan get coded by a single person when no one else on the planet can make a comparable imageboard with any language in existence? Maybe lynxchan is made by the CIA and Stephen Lynx is really Q anon.
>>2931 dicks in anus give you super powers you should try it
>>2934 I don't care who sticks what in what... just want a good imageboard and lynxchan blows the others out of the water no matter what anyone says everyone knows its true.
>>2890 Op here. Yeah, i see your points. GO is annoying because it calls upon shitloads of github repos and what-not when compiling, its just WAY different and kinda stupid. Because when some dumb ass closes a github account that has dependencies, no one can compile the original source since the dependancy repo is not even there. Thats just annoying. For those who can get over the initial shock of how different it is, go can do a lot but personally, I find it kinda annoying and feels too different than other languages. PLUS they say rust is faster and more stable than GO anyway. Im gonna be looking into rust for a while.
op here again. github has 10 imageboards coded in rust. They seem cool BUT not a single one worked... must be rust is not that great at backwards compatibility or something. So after 1 day I like rust better than go but there are no imageboards coded in pure rust that work. SO- with go being too *****ing annoying to use and rust not having working imageboards, I will end up taking your advice and saying ***** it and just learning js and node js.
>>2957 Writing web back-ends in a compiled language is a waste of time in the vast majority of the time.
>>2958 true, but now people can run php, c, go , rust , typesctipt or whatever in browsers due to the wasm revolution. The entire internet is now different. JavaScript is no longer the only lang that runs in a browser. That is HUGE. It will change websites as we know them. Also, wasm runs faster than js and compiles into smaller filesize so it will give people the ability to run web apps at near native speed. Big companies say they know wasm is going to change everything. Its a big deal.
>>2961 also wasm is NOT intended as a replacement for js, but now JS just got really, really cool with the ability to compile it into wasm, and how one could compile rust or go code for example into wasm. and js can interact with the wasm code. Wasm makes js cooler, js makes wasm cooler, and the ability to now include other languages on front end browser code is a game changer - a real one!!!!
