not op who said "Convenient but most hosts don't use latest mongo version lynxchan requires". What i was talking about specifically is the very new managed db hosting. D.ocean and other places figured out that they can make easy money selling managed db. So they completely manage a db for lynxchan for example. Supposedly the external managed db server is very easy to restore,more secure, more stable. Its kind of a scam, just making money from ppl who could simply run thier own db like you say, or even run one's own db on another server like you say. But the new managed db supposedly has advantages to running a db yourself,,, supposedly the architecture of the server is best for db so its the bery best and most reliable db hosting avail. There is LOTS of room for the companies to scam ppl tho...like if the db hosting was not managed well enough it may not be superior/more reliable than just having your own db. DB hosting is interesting...its prolly mostly a scam BUT with the right company and the best managed hosted mongo db- it has potential to make lynxchan installs more stable (espcially for new ppl so they don't screw up the db)