I know you hate php, but tinyib (from his rocketnine website) although old, actually is cooler than VICHAN in some ways. With just the settings php, you can set it to flatfile, mysql or sqlite3. With just the settings php, one can show or hide ANY post field...like name, subject. message files, password... ANY of it can be shown or not, TOTALLY customizable! It has moderation in EVERY db mode, all one has to to is set moderation in settings php and posts have to be approved. It REALLY lets users customize the boards, which is really cool. When you let a user easily customize shit, they can set it to a way they like and suddenly the app is really really cool to the individual person. You know how CSS could be used, for example, to hide the NAME field with "hide or display - none"? If you gave each post form field its own div, one could simply change the css to hide the name and subject fields for example!!!! Wouldn't that be a super easy way to allow peeps the ability to customize the board more?????????? Bro--- tinyib has easily customization, if lynxchan had those features then holy *****!!!!!!