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addons Anonymous 02/05/2020 (Wed) 16:10:15 Id:f3b00b No. 6
a while ago rodent made an addon to randomize filenames, can it also have the option to change the filename manually (for meme purposes when you don't want it randomized)?

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https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan/blob/2.3.x/src/be/engine/formOps.js#L357 names are set here. if you want to allow for people to set custom names you'd need to add field(s) in the forms and then handle them there dont remember if they get sanatized there or later. make sure to check
>>7 >there before there*

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https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/PenumbraLynx/blob/2.3.x/static/js/latestPostings.js how to make any click within innerPost un/check the checkbox
>>97 Add an even on onClick in the post.
how to make Q open the quick reply
tor per board not for 2.3 no more?
>>239 never was: i’ll add the patch code from emojis later and make it a branch i guess
>>240 branched. now supported. did leave the engine version as 2.3.x on the 2.4.x verison by mistake. the only issue between the two versions is needing a patch to actually save custom board settings
some of you use archive is, the side catalog will get in the way, how to make it off by default?
how about an addon that makes a sound when a new post is made in a thread or when a new thread is made in a board but only if you're logged in as a bo or a vol >if in thread notify newPost >else notify newThread
>>510 That would be a FE feature, addons are for BE features.
>>241 240 doesn't work
>>632 blocktorperboard 2.4.x updated
>>633 I know a dude that are insterested in that. What's the link to the repo?
Addon for PPD instead of PPH on the boards page?
>>659 its not coded in a way addons can access it. looks like a simple change though https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan/-/blob/master/src/be/scheduleHandler.js#L181
>>660 IMO it would be simpler to just add your own schedule and put the PPD in a different field using the same data from stats, but using a different timeframe.
>>661 yeah ur right, wasnt thinking about that for some reaosn
Can somebody write an addon that forces captcha per post on all boards but *only* for Tor users using the .torify.net?
>>960 I don't think that's easy to write considering how LynxChan works (with NoJS support at least). But that's just my 2 cents.
>>962 probably easiest to just force block bypasses globally for them. dont see much of a difference.
[00:45:15] <bikermouse> i'm sure most of the stuff is already in place because of 'forceCaptcha' [00:45:25] <bikermouse> all that needs is that it applies to Onions (Tor users) only [00:45:39] <StephenLynx> not really. [00:45:47] <StephenLynx> because it affects the HTML too. [00:46:11] <StephenLynx> and serving tor users a different html would be almost unfeasible. [00:46:36] <StephenLynx> because the whole system revolves around the .html and .json pages being the same for every user, unless they use different languages. [00:46:45] <StephenLynx> and there is no header to use for a vary for these users. [00:47:24] <bikermouse> what about the other way around. use forcecaptcha but skip it for non-onions? [00:47:41] <StephenLynx> yeah, that would be way easier. [00:48:05] <StephenLynx> the fe js would have to be adapted a little tho. but it would be trivial to change.
>>963 I'm already using bypass for Tor users. The thing is somebody is using captcha solving services to spam my chan. As soon as I enable captcha per posts though the spamming stops, apparently he can't handle that. >he'll just adjust it so it works per post too The point is that besides the bypass Tor users are free to do what they want, unlike clear IPs which you can block with DNSBLs and stuff like that. Mandatory captcha per post only for Tor users would give you some more 'control' over them.
>>965 i think you could lower tor block bypasses to 2-5 posts only and keep the other ones the same. at that point you're telling me whether or not he chooses to spam you is dependent on fractions of cents. i think that's bs honestly and not worth the extra work
>>965 Wanna have sum Kohlcash? I can make it open source.
>>966 He's using 1 bypass per post.
>>968 1 bypass per post? so ur saying hes solving 1 captcha per post anyways? the ***** does your addon matter then
>>969 Because after the bypass is solved, he somehow can't solve another captcha if there is a captcha per post. See also the second part of >>965 >>967 Not sure if real Tjark but if you could add an option to make it for Tor users only instead of all VPNs and proxies that'd be great.
>>970 I'm not sure if I can find the time for that, but yeah, should be possible somehow. Any competent spammer would simply switch to a free proxy list then... Therefore I doubt that it's worth it.
>>970 >Because after the bypass is solved, he somehow can't solve another captcha if there is a captcha per post. not worth making a hacky addon just to take advantage of someones broken spambot honestly. his posts stop going through ever and what, it takes him like 2 days to notice? stupid thought process here.
>>971 That's what DNSBLs are for. It's really about curbing .torify.net *****rs. >>972 2 captchas is more effort and pricier than 1. It's about gaining a little more control over Tor users instead of having to choose between A. blocking them completely or B. letting them do whatever the ***** they want.
>>973 >2 captchas is more effort and pricier than 1. nobodies choice of whether or not they spam***** you is going to come down to a dollar or two, that's delusional. might be slightly easier to design if you just make block bypasses cost more captchas, not sure reworking tjark's work would be easiest and actually grant you the degree of control you're after
>>974 Oh yeah, Kohlchan used to use a bypass that asks for 3 or 5 captchas to be filled out in a row. That would work too I guess.
Anyway, ultimately a PoW solution for .torify.net users would be the best approach. Captchas don't do shit in the end.
>>976 <Anyway, ultimately nothing is the best approach. Spam is free speech ftfy
>>967 I'm interested in KOHLCASH, it's a good way to handle spams right now. Or as something to activate in case of a serious attack or something.
>>960 just use the blockbypass, no need for an addon here imo
>>660 Anyone tried this?
>>972 This. If he can solve the bypass captcha, solving a regular posting captcha wouldn't be hard at all.
>>979 https://gitgud.io/Tjark/kohlcash Some important things to know: - Kohlcash replaces the old bypass system completely! - Only user accounts don't have to solve it, but they're still bound to anti-flood and their bypass id equals their username. Global moderators (globalRole <= 3) get random bypass ids, HOWEVER anti-flood is enabled for them, too => You may want to remove that code: /mods/bypassOps.js, line 391+ -KohlNumbra is the only frontend which implements Kohlcash. You may want to copy the relevant files from there or switch to KohlNumbra altogether. - The FE solver is a bit slower than the Python script. - The default parameters should be ok in most cases. Read the wikipedia article on argon2 if you want to know what they mean.
>>984 Cool thanks. First part is the BE addons, must be build with npm? any other dependencies? and dont-reload, forms and mods are for the front end? If I want to make it works with penumbra I guess I'd have to add the front end pages used by this addon from kohlnumbra too.
>>985 >First part is the BE addons, must be build with npm? "npm install" has to be called in the root directory of Kohlcash to install argon2 for node etc. >and dont-reload, forms and mods are for the front end? Everything related to frontend HTML/JS resides in KohlNumbra. There's obviously the kohlcash/hashcash page and a few lines in blockBypass.js.
>>986 >blockBypass.js Or whatever it's called.. Not sure right now. The FE JS which shows the captcha window for the bypass.
>>984 How do I make it apply to Tor users only?
>>988 You'd have to fork it. Make it use the old functions for !isTor. I don't have time to do that in the near future as another project is taking all my time unfortunately.
>>988 >>989 Actually, depending on how the addon is written, you could monkey patch it like you monkey patch the engine.
Looking for addon that contains a native module to apply -background "#FFFFFF" to transparent images on upload. https://gitgud.io/LynxChan/LynxChan/-/blob/2.4.x/src/be/native/imageThumb.*****p
>>635 2.5 when?
>>2027 i tested the 2.4.x version on my 2.5.x instance and checked the signatures, everything worked. you can use that, ill fix the branches later
***** the Rodent
>>3113 rodent, help!
what's the status on (You)s? can bos add it as custom js?
>>3405 Some front end already included it like KohlNumbra. You can borrow the code.
did the bat flu claim rodent?
rip rodent
fat bumper
addon to escape markdown?
>>12 any backup?

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