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FTDDTOT i'm *****ing tired edition Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 15:56:59 No. 10 [Reply] [Last]
this has to end at some point

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>>1362 No I'm pretty sure he's Spanish.
>>1224 Got a bit poetically waxy there didn't ya, but yeah, wasn't that learning process fun? Those times where they caught you in a moment of weakness and you actually tried to answer earnestly? The one that used to make me want to absolutely go off was when they'd tell you someone out there has it worse. Like hey, take solace in the fact that you're not literally the most unfortunate person on earth. Yeah great, sure am glad you went out of your way to ask me my business just so you could hit me with that game-changer. According to those useless prying *****s you shouldn't compare yourself to others if those others have something you don't, but if you have something someone else doesn't and are feeling like shit for some completely unrelated reason, well compare yourself to them! ***** them and ***** your hypocritical platitudes, I sit here wishing I could have said. >>1226 I also wish I could learn this power. My issues with maintaining eye contact and subdued, unsteady way of speaking make me doubt I could pull it off. I wouldn't be able to give the steady, curt delivery required. I'm like you in that I don't get asked that particular stuff anymore but I know I'll be in a position in the future where I'll be sorry I can't speak like that.
Is it the ultimate form of love to allow your partner to be with another person if doing so would make them happier?

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I begin to see the light now.
https://web.archive.org/web/20200413033808/https://fatpeople.lol/r9k/index.html well look what we have here *unzips*

Wallpaper Thread Robot 05/16/2020 (Sat) 05:05:18 No. 257 [Reply]
Pretty simple, post papes for your fellow robots. Any kind goes with higher resolution always being better. And, if you need a reason to post papes, play an association game of sorts and post wallpaper(s) in response to another robot's post but tell us specifically why you did. Or just post papes and let the pictures do the talking.

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>>284 png is like that
If you all would like to I could paste this thread onto zch? It would be simple since it's mostly textless posts.
>>321 Go for it, reminder that zchan allows 5 files per post rather than the 3 limit here. >>284 Zchan appears to have a 30MB post limit. But out of respect for the site and its server capacity I'd avoid posting more than a handful of particularly large files.

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>>284 come to https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/103.html there's a wallpaper thread going and the filesize limit is 32 mb there

F.U.N 05/07/2020 (Thu) 08:02:11 No. 98 [Reply]
Fun thread.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qlCC1GOwFw it symbolizes our alienation, rage, and anger at the world
>>567 Okay then here comes my emo list The Catalyst - Pendulum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7VQi0T2c6g Take Me Under - Three Days Grace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUHIMBDzhEU Hey There Mr. Brooks - Asking Alexandria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr7RBcyHJk8 Down - Breaking Benjamin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJWLLIMC0b4 Sanctuary - Ben Moody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0d9tsWbcdU

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Philosophy Robot 08/04/2020 (Tue) 16:32:24 No. 915 [Reply] [Last]
What are the philosophical beliefs that robots are more likely to hold, and what beliefs you believe are normalfaggotry, or unhealthy? In my honest opinion the most common robot philosophical beliefs I've seen are: >Nietzschesanism Is basically an optimistic version of robotdom, believing in thinking of yourself and that humanity can better itself only if we destroy the current belief system of the world and create new ideas that will better the world. A try to accept the world as it is without lying to yourself and love it for what it is. Whether it can be succesful or not is up to debate. ***** the retards who think Nietzsche advocated for some kind of cruel men-of-success type of living, like a corporate CEO or a tyrannical corrupt king. This is not at all what he wished for >Christianity A lot of robots fall into Christian way of thought seeking hope of betterment after their deaths. Personally believe that it is a trap used to lure robots into more self-hatred, thought control as well as making them develop psychological illness by playing off of their weakness. >Nihilism It seems that robotdom is pretty nihilistic when it doesn't take a more optimistic approach. Robots who have fallen deep into depression are usually pessimistic existentialist nihilists with much self-hatred issues. >Hedonism Which is often a way of coping with nihilism for many robots. >Misanthropy Seen especially with the threads about school shooters, some robots hate humans. It's not always just narcissistic hatred either, it's often a hatred of "I hate humans, but I am also a human and hate myself because of it" >Antinatalism I think that many robots fall into the philosophical area of antinatalism and often don't want to have *****ren because: A) They hate women and believe that men should be happy living by their own

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>>1114 >exposing the most Infantile Worldviews as something to be Worshipped, *****ing Retards... It's funny because your tulpa literally mommydoms you and mine does too. I think we have the same being

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>>1119 oh you shithead, you know what i mean well meme'd tho, i mean shit like "Hurr durr if god exist why does evul exist :^(((((( besides if god exists why doesn't he tell me so and comes down here and makes pigs fly" besides im a big boy for Mommy so its technically not infantileare you Tulpanonthough?if so are you the same anon with whom i spent half the thread arguing about the nature of Sin and whatnot?because that would be hilarious

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>>1120 >Hurr durr if god exist why does evul exist I consider it substantial. Since it's either everything that happens to you is your own fault, both good and bad, or everything that happens to you is ochrestrated ot the whims of being(s) you don't comprehend, so this >>1031, or everything that happens to you has no meaning. Although I personally consider the first option and consider the last option to be the most cruel. the first one for reasons I outlined, free will and stuff.
>>1121 >personally consider the first option Consider the first option to be true. The second one is meh, and illustrated by how you just turn off your brain and nod to everything that happens like a lobotomized sheep shown by the Kanna avatarfag.
OP here and the anon who put forward the idea of robots being broken people as well. I feel kind of bad about it after rethinking it a bit, and I see I was projecting quite a lot due to the shit state that I was in. Couldn't find happiness in anything that I've been doing so I considered everything to be worthless and fell into depressive way of thought which overly influenced my philosophy and worldview so please do not treat my arguments too seriously.

off-topic but related >>>/v/56

Comfy fantasies thread Robot 07/27/2020 (Mon) 00:44:07 No. 746 [Reply]
A thread for posting about any of the comfy fantasies you have.

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>>787 By your logic all hobby boards should be axed.
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>>766 >Not jerking off is probably objectively good for your mental health and physical to an extent. It is. I don't agree with the puritanical views of the nofap crowd, but I do agree that excessive ***** consumption is very damaging to the brain, so less masturbation is indeed better. >The problem with the "everything in moderation" argument is that it's a meaningless statement. It's like when normalfags say just be yourself or something. A technically true piece of "advise" that is completely worthless. I would respectfully disagree. "Just be yourself" is worthless advice due to it's impracticality. If a person is a social outcast, like a robot for example, then being themselves in any given situation will expose that person as being different from the collective, abnormal. This inevitably leads to ridicule or even violence aimed towards the abnormal individual. So 'just be yourself' is simply something parroted between normalfags who are only ever their plain, dull selves, thus giving the 'advice' no real merit. "Everything in moderation, even moderation" on the other hand can have practical uses in a person's life, unless their a normalfag of course. The reason it does not seem like valid advice is because it can be difficult to implement. This is due to the fact that human nature is based very much on consciously forming and then subconsciously maintaining habits. Attempting to moderate one's own behavior is seldom achieved because it requires a conscious effort, therefore normalfags shy away from it. However, for anyone of even mild ability, the trick is to make moderated lifestyle changes by consciously forming them into habits, which will then be subconsciously maintained by one's own human nature. For example, I used to masturbate almost daily, and would often edge myself for anywhere from 2-7 hours at a time. I couldn't even accurately estimate how much of my life has been wasted on fapping. Now I masturbate 2-3 times per week, for about 1-3 hours each time. I was able to achieve this by consciously restructuring my existing habits. I limited my ***** access, filled my time with other activities, and when the urge to fap did creep up on me, I made a conscious effort to fight it off. Now fapping less often is a habit. Therefore, I have effectively moderated a part of my life. >>772 >>773 >it seem that you were claiming that being a robot inherently leads to living a terrible life which I disagree with. I don't think that was his intention. However, I would say there is some truth to that statement. After all, the path to becoming a robot is paved with rejection, neglect, and hardship. It's a proverbial trial-by-fire, those who come out on the other side are more aware of and in tune with the suffering of this world. So becoming a robot is a necessarily terrible process, although existing as a robot is not strictly tragic, but still difficult. It has its ups and downs, basically. >>775

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>>789 why repeat what's already been said
>>791 You aren't going to get the same advice from a jewtube video. Those things are meant for a large audience, whereas a post in response to a question will be directed towards an individual. It's one step away from asking someone irl for advice, which of course we don't do because we don't like talking to normalfaggots. The ideal would be to discuss hobbies with robots irl but this is the best we have because we're too autistic to interact irl. That being said if you're knowingly repeating advice you've seen elsewhere then it's probably better to just post the source rather than reprase it if you're going to say the same thing. But just because someone has said the same thing elsewhere doesn't mean the discussion is useless. And regardless, that doesn't justify offtopic clutter that belongs in the FTDDTOT.
I like nature

Jewtube, Podcasts, Passive Entertainment Robot 05/04/2020 (Mon) 20:13:45 No. 29 [Reply]
Post any interesting jewtube channels or entertainment you think robots might enjoy watching or listening to. Please do your best to use things like invidio.us instead of direct linking jewtube videos wherever possible. >Vagrant Holiday https://www.invidio.us/channel/UCgNqlRGqHdxNRPR6ycynWhw Guy goes on vacations around europe without paying for hotels, bums it in bushes and abandoned buildings. Does some urban exploring as well.

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>>328 Isn't commonfilth the guy who deliberately looks up the worst most degenerate ***** he can find for """""research"""""?
If you guys want some unintentional comedy then look up "The Serial Killer Podcast", specifically the Toolbox Killers episode. It's made by some Norwegian and the way he talks makes half of his shows come off as ridiculous, especially when he's reading transcripts or quoting other people.
>>340 there was some popular game reviewer that just farted loudly and sometimes did nothing, usually he didn't actually play the game just said something retarded while it was in the background it was popular some years ago but i never watched it
>>341 Markiplier? Jesus dude

Corona-chan appreciation thread Robot 05/08/2020 (Fri) 15:28:09 No. 114 [Reply]
Corona-chan is the biggest weapon we have against normalfaggotry currently. We should all be thankful for those times where it is completely acceptable to be a NEET and calmly sit at home while all of the normalfags are going *****ing insane. It's just pleasant to see how the faggots are getting completely assblasted over their empty *****ing relationships, and how stupid party-faggots are contracting the disease by their own stupidity. How is the quarantine treating you robots? Are you feeling alright?

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>>184 I wish I was as smart as Bill Gates. Us average joe can only dream about the damage that he has inflicted upon the tech world and now other aspects of life. Like the fact that I cant *****ing play my RPG maker game on linux because wine *****ing sucks *****ing shit and I would have to go back to Winblows to play that shit.
>>190 Doesn't linux suck ass for games period?
>>197 varies, some say it gets more fps than windows sometimes, you can also play almost any 2010 and older game with native directx 9, there's also the windows compatibility that never worked for older games so it may be fare to say that wine can run at least as much games as windows in my exp i usually only do cd game/ wine game.exe and it works but i haven't ran that many games

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One of the best years in my life.

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>>184 I don't have as much time nor the inclination to look into it as much as I used to (and once you know the game it's not worth it anyhow if you just use your imagination a little bit), but from the occasional jewtube video that I've watched talking about the shit, it seems highly likely. In opposition, folks like to tout about, 'Oh, why would the elites want this? They aren't making money!' and shit like that which is really besides the point. You know very well, especially now, that things will be dragged back into place in some way or another. The system ain't all collapsing here so there is at the least going to be changes and I don't see why elites, regardless of whether the business is all manufactured or the numbers are just being inflated, won't try to utilize it with some technological bullshit with this digital identity crap (e.g. ID2020). Hell, you even get politicians admitting that nowadays. It just all seems way too coincidental and it make one feel like Pynchon's Oedipa Maas seeing *****ing plugged up post horns all over the place but you're never quite sure if you're actually on to something or its just all in your head.
